
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sims 3: The Deans (part 44)

 Antwain and Tania arrive home. Tania still hasn’t responded to Antwain’s last statement.  “So are you going to respond or not?”

“A baby?  Are we ready for that?”
 “Is anyone ever ready?”  Antwain asks.

“I guess not.”  Tania thinks a moment, before finally giving Antwain an answer.  “Yeah…let’s have a baby.”
 Antwain expresses his happiness with a kiss.
 “What kind of a mother will I be?”  Tania asks.
 “I think you’ll make an incredible mom.”

“It’s just so scary…you know, the thought of being responsible for another life,”  Tania admits.
 “Yeah…there will be hard times and we’ll make a lot of mistakes…but we have each other and we’ll be able to balance it all out with some incredible moments too.”
 “You’re right…” Tania begins, “so what are we waiting for?  We have a baby to make!”
 Tania and Antwain begin the baby making process…
“Our child will be so lucky to have you as a father,” Tania whispers as the two of them begin to drift off to sleep.
 Tania wakes early in the morning, inspired by the great time that she and Antwain had last night.
 She begins a painting of a beautiful woman in a gorgeous dress.
She decides to call it, “The Beauty Within Me,”  because it represents the beauty that she hopes will soon be growing inside of her in the form of their first child.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Sims 3: The Deans (part 43)

 As Antwain gets closer, Tania drops her head in shame, “Antwain, I’m a mess.”
 “A mess?  Babe, you lost your brother, I expect you to have ups and downs.”
“No Antwain…I was messed up long before George died.  Maybe it’s just in my genes…some familial curse.”
 “Babe, what are you talking about?  When I look at you, all I see is beauty,” Antwain says reaching out for Tania. 

“Antwain…no, don’t,” she says pulling back, just out of his reach.
 “Just…don’t,” she says again in a lower tone.  Tania sighs, “I wish I could really be who you see me as…I’m so tangled up inside that I can’t even fake it.”

“But Tania, you don’t have to,”  Antwain says shocked at what she’s implying.  “I love you for who you are.”
 “Can we just go somewhere else?”  She asks, not responding to his statement.
 The two of them get back in the car and silently head toward a second destination.  Tania sees a lone horse walking across one of Riverview’s many bridges.  She wishes she had her camera to capture it forever.
Antwain prepares a picnic that he intended for them to share next to the lake.
 “I’m sorry.  This is not fair to you.” Tania says after a long silence.
 Antwain has a lot he’d like to say, but he decides to let Tania finish.

“I remember what I said to you when we were just teens…that you were the only thing to chase the clouds away when George died.  It wasn’t fair of me to place my burdens on you.”
“Tania, you say that as if I was some helpless victim.  Don’t you understand what it means to love someone?  It means being willing to share burdens.  It’s my job to take some of the load off of you!  Why don’t you get that?”
“I just…I don’t want our relationship to be based off of just that.  I don’t want to always feel like the weak one…the dependent one, you know?”
Antwain stands and Tania follows before he responds.  “Don’t you think that I depend on you too?  Why do you insist that this is one sided?”
“Sometimes I just feel like you didn’t really know what you were getting into with me.”

“So now you’re saying that I’m stupid?”  Antwain asks rhetorically.
 “No, of course not,” Tania says leaving it at that.

“I think that you’re over thinking things.”

“Maybe,” she responds after a while; looking up at the sky.
 “Can we agree to just let things be?  You just be who you are and I’ll be who I am and we’ll work on building a life together with no apologies.”
 “Okay,” Tania says moving in closer to him.
“Now this is nice…fresh air…stars…and best of all, the woman that I love.”
“It is nice…and I love you too!”
 Antwain and Tania quietly enjoy their view of the stars for a few moments.
“Look…the big dipper!”  Tania says.

“That’s not the big dipper!” Antwain corrects.
 “It is the big dipper,” Tania insists.  “See, that’s the handle and the big pan thingy.”
 “Then what’s that?”  Antwain asks knowingly pointing to a bigger version of the dipper that Tania pointed out.
 “Tania…” Antwain says after a while.

“What?”  She asks, finally enjoying herself completely.
“Let’s have a baby…” he says.

Tania sits up completely thrown off by Antwain’s words.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thank You Readers...

...for continuing to check out this blog.  I just wanted to let you all know that I appreciate you for visiting and checking out my Sims 3 families.  A lot of my families have not been updated for a while.  I plan on eventually getting back to updating all of the stories found on this blog.  But for now, I am working on a different Sim stories on my other blog - Sims 3 Stories by Diego2Memphis.  So far, I have two completed stories there, Metallic Heart and Moonlight Visions.  Unlike the stories on this blog, those stories have a definite plot and an end.  The stories on this blog are on-going and multi-generational until I decide to stop playing the families.

Like I said, I will eventually get back to these stories, but in the meantime, please feel free to check out Metallic Heart, Moonlight Visions, or my completed Sims Medieval story called, Tales of the Middle Ages.

I am also grateful that many of you are following this blog through Google Connect.  I hope that you will all consider following my other blogs in the same way.

Thank you so much,