
The Price-Bull Family/Twinbrook

You can download Mercedes Price here and Kamal Campbell here

Click Here to Read - Kamal Campbell (prologue)
 Kamal has commitment issues and is flirty, which makes for an interesting character.  He's also athletic, hot-headed and brave.  In addition, I chose the Heart Breaker lifetime wish.  Let's just say that this flirty fire fighter lands himself into more than one tough spot.  

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 1
After her brief relationship with Kamal, Mercedes finds herself alone and pregnant.  She must find a way to make money and raise a healthy, happy child - despite the fact that Kamal wants no part of either of their lives.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 2
Mercedes Price continues to move up in the stylist career and Lexus gets to know her half-brother Clark. Mercedes has a big surprise for Lexus during her birthday party.  Lexus' life will never be the same.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 3
Some huge changes are in store for the Price family and Lexus is not at all happy about it.  Mercedes' dreams are coming true, and Lexus feels that hers are being shattered.  Can this mother & daughter make it through this kink in their relationship?

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 4 
Notzo & Mercedes exchange vows in France.  Mercedes purchases many bottles of nectar to begin her nectar collection, but ends up bringing back more than just nectar.  Even more big changes are in store for the Price family.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 5  
Lexus is having a terrible time adjusting to her mother's new marriage and pregnancy.  She turns to her best friend Terrance and her older half-brother Clark, the only people in her life that actually listens to her.  Can she learn to see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 6
Lexus has a change of heart regarding her family situation after she is forced to rush her mother, Mercedes, to the hospital.  Lexus discovers that she may just have enough love in her heart to spread around to her new family members.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 7
Lexus finds out how tough having a new baby in the house can be, but that is the not the worst of her problems.  She turns to her half-brother Clark for information on her father who is suddenly missing in action all over again.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 8
Lexus redirects her anger, towards her father, to those closest to her.  Mercedes is fed up of Lexus' behavior and decides to do something about it.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 9 
Lexus has a lot of pent up hurt and anger built up over the years. She finally gets to direct it toward the person who has caused it in this final showdown with her father Kamal.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 10
Lexus returns home from her talk with her dad.  Now that she knows that he is out of her life for good, she can move on towards achieving her goals.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 11
Lexus is ready to begin a new phase of her life, now that her father Kamal is out of it for good, but does this new phase include new love?

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 12
Taye finally manages to sleep through the night, but gives the family an early morning wake up call.  Lexus is excited about her date with Terrance.  Terrance decides to seek Mercedes' fashion expertise.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 13
Lexus and Terrance go on their first date as "more than friends". While very sure that they really like each other, both are still confused on what these new feelings mean for their friendship.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 14
Lexus is forced to tell her mom, Mercedes, about her date with Terrance after she forgets to change clothes. But, it turns out that motherly advice is just the thing that she needs.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 15
Notzo succeeds in teaching Taye how to walk. Afterward, he hopes to spend some quality time out with Mercedes.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 16
Lexus is finding it hard to concentrate in school with Terrance on her mind, while Notzo ages up and earns a promotion to Patrol Officer.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 17
Today is a day of firsts; Notzo begins his first day as a Patrol Officer and Mercedes has to leave Taye with a babysitter for the first time while she works.  Later, Mercedes is invited to a party where she ends up giving an unexpected 'mini' makeover to her sister-in-law Bunny.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 18
Lexus gets advice from Notzo on how to balance love and ambition, but does not take it to heart.  Instead she makes a drastic decision that could get her into big trouble.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 19
Lexus is escorted home by a cop after she misses curfew. Although she gets in trouble, she finds love in an unexpected place.
Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 20
Lexus wakes up with a new outlook on life now that she knows how much her step father Notzo cares about her.  Notzo makes a heart felt gesture to reinforce to Lexus that she may not be his biological daughter, but she is his daughter in his heart.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 21
Mercedes tells Lexus the story of her brief relationship with Lexus' father Kamal

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 22
Today is a big day.  It's Lexus' birthday.  Friends and family gather at the Red Rendezvous to celebrate with Lexus as she ages up to adulthood.  After the party, Lexus moves into a home of her own.

Generation 2 

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 23
On the very first night in her new home, Lexus is startled awake by a very unexpected visitor.  Frightened, she struggles to make it through until dawn.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 24
As soon as the sun is up, Terrance rushes to be by Lexus' side.  Lexus is finally able to get some sleep knowing that Terrance is there to protect her.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 25
Lexus wakes from her nap to find Terrance still by her side.  While she was sleeping, Terrance decides that he doesn't want Lexus living in the bayou alone.  He wants her to move in with him, but after she refuses, he comes up with an idea that's a little more extreme.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 26
Lexus manages to sleep the night away; comforted by Terrance in her dreams.  She awakes to find that Terrance has researched everything they need to do in order to marry right away.  It's up to Lexus whether or not she's ready to complete the process.

Click Here to Read - Price Family Part 27
Lexus and Terrance emerge from City Hall as husband and wife.  Now Lexus questions where they will live as they begin their lives together.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 28
Lexus loves her new home, but feels that Terrance has brought so much to the marriage while she has so little to return. Later, she is all nerves as she and Terrance begin to get intimate on their wedding night.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 29
Things are almost perfect for Lexus...except the fact that she now has to tell her mother that she and Terrance are married.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 30
Lexus finds an entry level job in medicine, hoping to give her mom some pleasant news.  Later, she meets one of her neighbors.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 31
Lexus approaches her mother with news of her marriage to Terrance.  Mercedes' reaction is not at all what Lexus expected.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 32
Lexus begins her first day of work at the hospital and blames her nerves after she spends the whole day feeling nauseous.  Later, she receives a surprise visit from her mother.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 33
Mercedes gets an opportunity to see Lexus' new home and have a chat with her new son-in-law Terrance.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 34
Lexus' pregnancy becomes obvious and Terrance decides that it's time to begin remodeling their home.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 35
Terrance and Lexus begin home renovations and wait for their baby to arrive.  Just when it seems as if the baby will never come, Lexus goes into labor.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 36
Terrance and Lexus welcome their new baby to the world, but amongst all of her happiness and joy - Lexus now has a new worry that is beginning to nag at her.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 37
Lexus invites the family over to meet Ethan, while Terrance reluctantly heads to work.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 38
Lexus wakes in the middle of the night realizing that she might be pregnant again, while Terrance comes to a realization of his own. 

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 39
Although afraid to tell each other their news, Lexus and Terrance finally take a chance by letting the other know what is on their minds.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 40 
It's an ordinary evening in the Bull household.  Lexus takes baby Ethan for a walk while Terrance registers as self-employed at City Hall.  Ethan later ages up to a toddler.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 41
 Lexus briefly wonders how far she could be in her career if she had delayed having children for a little while.  Later, her brother Clark begs her to visit her ailing father, but Lexus is not sure she's ready to see him.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 42 
Lexus visits the hospital for a routine prenatal visit.  Later that night, she delivers a healthy baby boy.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 43 
Lexus and Terrance bring their newest son Joshua home; causing Lexus to reflect on the relationship she never had with her father.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 44
It's the 2nd to last day before Lexus is scheduled to start her new career.  She wishes she could extend her maternity leave further, while Terrance begins to doubt his ability to be an effective work-at-home dad.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 45  
It's the last day before Lexus returns to work.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 46 
Lexus never fully realized how tough it would be to return to work.  Ethan ages up and, after a stressful day at work, Lexus inadvertently takes her frustrations out on him after he has an accident.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 47
 Ethan cleans himself up and makes an interesting discovery in the attic.  Later, Lexus apologizes for overreacting.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 48 
Realizing that Ethan needs someone to play with, Lexus decides to invite Terrance's mom and very young brother and sister over.  Terrance has a hard time accepting his mother and forgetting the mistakes she made while raising him.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 49 
Ethan finds it strange to have an aunt and uncle who is close to the same age as himself.  He enjoys his Aunt Annie's company, but his uncle Zach is a bit harder to get along with.

Click Here to Read - Price Bull Family Part 50 
As the Bull family prepares for bed, Terrance receives a call from Lexus' brother Clark informing him that Lexus' father is expected to pass away at any moment.  Now Terrance has to figure out how to convince Lexus that visiting her father will be in her best interest.