
The Ward Family/Barnacle Bay

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Meet Miles and Sephora Ward. Miles & Sephora are newly weds who just purchased a home in Barnacle Bay.  The Wards first visited Barnacle Bay on their honeymoon and fell in love with the town. They sold all they had and relocated, prepared for a new town and new adventures.  

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Miles & Sephora continue to adjust to their new lives in Barnacle Bay.  Miles discovers that someone that he thought was a friend, may in fact be more of a nemesis.  And Sephora finds that the beauty of Barnacle Bay literally takes her breathe away.

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There's trouble in paradise when Miles comes home from work in a funk. Things are not always perfect between these newlyweds, but do they have enough love between them to remain united during the storms?

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It's a good day for The Wards.  Miles has a day off, so he spends it practicing and generating an audience, while Sephora advances in her career and learns a new skill that she's been desperate to develop.

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Love is in the air!  The Wards share a very intimate evening when their affection for each other is all that's on their mind.

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The Wards' marriage is in serious trouble.  They find themselves in a situation that tests every fiber of their union.  In some situations, love is not enough.  Is this one of those situations?

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Miles and Sephora both consider what life would be like if they were not together.  Sephora confirms her pregnancy and has a chance to express her fears.  Miles works long hours at the theater, happy to escape his problems at home for the day.

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Miles has a terrible dream that shakes him to his very core.  He decides that he'd better make changes in his attitude or he'll risk losing Sephora and his child forever.
Sephora goes into labor with Miles by her side.  As Sephora experiences more pain than she's ever had in her life, she questions her decision to have a natural home birth.

Miles & Sephora begin to adjust to their new roles as parents.  Miles has a lot to overcome in order to be the great father that he wants to be.  Is he up for the challenge?

All of the attention required by Zawadi is frustrating to Sephora. Sephora longs to get some gardening and sculpturing done without interruption, but Zawadi is very demanding of her time.

Miles gets his turn at caring for Zawadi for a day while Sephora tends to other things.  Miles learns that baby care is not an easy job.

The Ward's house is haunted by a restless spirit, but new parents Miles & Sephora are too tired to notice.  Miles returns to work and Sephora resumes her duty as a work at home mom.

 Zawadi is now a toddler!  Sephora is happy to see her baby growing up and begins to realize just how much of an internal struggle this whole parenthood thing has been for Miles.

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The day starts out as a regular day for The Wards, but when night time arrives they begin to sense a supernatural presence in their house.

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Miles and Sephora work on rekindling their marriage, knowing that a strong marriage is the key to accomplishing all of their goals.

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Miles turns down an opportunity to hang out with friends on his day off because he has a big surprise planned for his wife Sephora.

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Sephora is spooked by a late night encounter and tries to convince herself that she's not crazy.  While Miles meets an incredible musician in the park.

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Miles earns a promotion and begins to think more about his image.  Sephora explores topiary as a new medium for her sculptures and Zawadi learns to speak.

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Miles and Sephora finally come face to face with the restless spirit who has been roaming their home at night.  Miles is determined to keep his family safe, but doesn't know how to combat a ghost.  Will the Wards be forced to move out of their beloved home?

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Miles does what he can to make sure that Mort's body rests in peace and doesn't return to the Ward home.  Later, Sephora walks in on Patti and Miles rehearsing for the band.  Sephora is not too happy about it.

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Sephora and Miles have a heated discussion about the 'Skinny Dippers'.  Sephora feels betrayed that Miles did not tell her about the band. While Miles feels that Sephora's accusations are uncalled for.

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Miles takes his band practice to the park, while Sephora tries to wrap her mind around the idea of Miles and his new band member.  Sephora is upset with herself for not trusting Miles, because he's never given her a reason not to trust him.  Can she support Miles' decision to start a band?

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It's Zawadi's birthday and Sephora wants to celebrate by redecorating the house. While at the consignment shop, Sephora runs into an old familiar face.

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Zawadi begins her first day of school, while Sephora enjoys her child-free morning.  The Skinny Dippers rock it at the park and for the first time, Miles' boss Juan really gets into the music.

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Zawadi grows up to be as strong willed as she was as a toddler.  She's determined to avoid eating her dinner and to stay up past her bedtime.  While Miles is being a push over, Sephora has to be the one to enforce the rules.

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Miles refuses to go to bed another night without clearing the air between him and Sephora.  The next day is his birthday.  He decides to celebrate at the new dance club in town.

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Miles and Sephora enjoy a rare opportunity to let loose and party.  At home, Zawadi is not very happy about being left with a babysitter. At the club, Miles ages up and he and Sephora have an opportunity to rekindle their early dating memories.

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Zawadi wakes early, but her parents are sleeping in.  Determined not to spend her Sunday in the house bored, she sets off for her own mini adventure.

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Miles gets an early morning call about Zawadi.  He leaves the house in order to find her.

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 Miles treats Zawadi to a special dinner, but realizes that he has forgotten something very important.

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Miles calls for an impromptu band practice, but fellow band member Patty has news that Miles is not happy to hear.

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Sephora finds the note from Zawadi's teacher and tries to find out what is going on with her.  Zawadi's answer concerns Sephora.

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Sephora attempts to express her concerns about Zawadi to Miles, but Miles believes that Zawadi is just manipulating her.

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Sephora feels the ill effects of eating sushi, but secretly prays that her sudden bout of nausea is due to another reason.

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Zawadi blames school for not getting a chance to spend more time with her father and Miles regrets over sleeping and missing an opportunity to see Zawadi off to school.

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Zawadi overhears a a small part of her parent's conversation, but it is enough to cause her to doubt her father's love.

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Zawadi escapes to her bedroom, totally devastated by her father's words, while outside Miles goes on to say how much he really does love his daughter.

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It's Zawadi's birthday and her parents throw her a surprise party!

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After her party, Zawadi is surprised to receive a very special gift from her father.

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Zawadi begins her first day of high school; determined to make her high school years turn out great, she joins the art club where she gets to spend her afternoons creating.

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It's the weekend and Zawadi is in a rebellious mood.  She storms off after a disagreement with her mother and sees the new neighbors for the first time.

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Zawadi's rude introduction does not make a good impression on the new neighbors' good looking teenage son.

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Miles and Sephora come up with a plan to make Zawadi happier. In the meantime, Zawadi insists on finding ways to get under her mother's skin.

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Zawadi sets up a prank to make one of her mother's worst fears come true, while Miles arrives home anxious about news that he's sure Sephora won't like.

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Miles tells Sephora his news, but her reaction is much more than he expected.

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Zawadi wakes up and meets the new family pet.  Later she gives her father news that he's not quite ready to hear.

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Zawadi decides to ask Mitchell to be her prom date and finds herself surprised by his answer.

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While Miles and Sephora are both feeling bad about their disagreement, Zawadi realizes that she likes Mitchell more than she's ever liked a boy..  

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Miles buys gifts and makes up with Sephora; apologizing for taking an advance without consulting her first.

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Zawadi receives good news from Mitchell.  While Sephora and Miles discover just how unprepared they are for dealing with Zawadi, proms and dating.

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Zawadi spends her school day searching for Mitchell and Michael, while Miles makes an effort to thwart the flirty female attention that his music brings.

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Bothered that Zawadi has become interested in boys, Miles decides to spend extra time with her by teaching her to drive.

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Zawadi finds out that Mitchell and his brother are in her science class, making her class field trip that much more exciting.

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After being ignored by Mitchell during their field trip, Zawadi questions whether or not he actually likes her.

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Mitchell and his father arrive at the Ward's home to introduce themselves to Miles and Sephora.  Miles gets tough with Mitchell, while Sephora's mental issues get in the way of her being there for Zawadi.

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Zawadi's prom night is almost ruined by her anger towards her mother for disappearing on her before the prom, but a few kinds words from Mitchell quickly melts the hurt feelings away.

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Feeling bad for abandoning Zawadi earlier, Sephora is determined to make it up to her when she gets home.

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Zawadi is invited to a classmate's house after school, but discovers that her classmate has ulterior motives for inviting her.

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Miles has his first big concert at the sports arena, but all he can think about is Zawadi and her new boyfriend Mitchell.

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Miles arrives home with unexpected news and Sephora decides that it's time for a make-over.

Part 62 (coming soon)