
Monday, September 13, 2010

The Sims 3: The Deans (part 2)

The Dean family appears to be the perfectly happy family from the outside…
But now that she’s a teen, Tania can’t help but sometimes feel a little bit isolated from the rest of the family. 
George Jr. is very involved in his military career as a Top Gun.
Grandma Tatiana finds happiness in her self-employed career of painting.
And Bianca quits her stylist career to pursue teaching.
Bianca looks forward to her first day working at the neighborhood school.
This career will allow her to spend more time with her children.
Tania and George III look forward to being in close proximity with their mother all day, so they rush to school.
Maybe Bianca’s new career will help Tania feel more connected with her family once again.
With everyone is so invested in their careers, Tania is forced to take on more responsibility at home.
She enjoys cooking, but at times Tania feels as if she is being robbed of her teenage years.
The good news is that George Jr. has reached the top of the military career and now only works one day a week.  Hopefully this will help to lighten the load of responsibility that’s been placed on Tania’s shoulders.
The short work week allows George Jr. to pursue his other interests, such as fitness.
George III forms a friendship with Raul from school and decides to go over Raul’s to play after school.
Raul lives in a large house in a well-to-do neighborhood.
After playing at Raul’s, George III rushes home because today is his birthday. Now that his dad has been promoted and is making more money, he cannot wait to see what his birthday gift is.
Let the celebrating begin!! George III prepares to age up to a teen.
George III is not exactly the brave, athletically inclined son that George Jr. was hoping for.  In fact, George III has the clumsy trait, he’s eccentric and he’s a coward.

George III was excited to see what his birthday gift would be, but cannot help but be disappointed that it is a trampoline.
George III does not even try it out.  He does not understand why his father insists on him following in his athletic foot steps when all George III is interested in doing is playing video games…
...or inventing.  George III hopes that his father will eventually see him for what he is and not for what he wants him to be.
George Jr. is not happy that his son is not interested in the trampoline.  He tries to coax George III out of the house by showing him how fun the trampoline is.
But George III doesn’t even notice.  He decides to play video games instead.
Afterward, he heads to the junk yard to collect scraps to invent with.
Meanwhile, Tania seems to be spending more and more time on the phone with someone from school.
Her parents can’t help but wonder who it is that has attracted Tania’s attention.
It seems as if Antwain Cheek has Tania a bit smitten.
Bianca would do anything to protect her daughter’s heart, so she begins to put more effort into her martial arts. She never knows, her fighting skills may come in handy later.
George III is finding more than enough scrap at the junk yard.
And the women of the family bond over lunch.
Bianca tells Tania that although there may be a boy that she’s setting her sights on, her first priority should be school. Tania reminds her mother that her true passion is in photography.
George III is very excited about all the scrap that he’s found at the junk yard.  He ignores signs that he may be too tired to try to invent anything new and proceeds to work late into the night.
Something goes wrong and George III is on fire, but he’s too tired to realize it.
His clothes are on fire and he doesn’t even feel it yet.
George III decides that it may be time to go to bed.
The fire burns through his clothes…now he feels it for sure.
George III panics! He can’t remember what he should do when he catches fire. “Is it stop, roll, drop or run, stop, drop?”
He decides to run.
George III runs for the sprinklers, but the fire is just growing more and more intense!!
The fire consumes George III until all that is left of him are ashes.
The Grim Reaper quickly comes for him.
Bianca & George Jr. were awaken by George III’s screams, but didn’t get to him before the Grim Reaper did. They feel helpless to stop the Grim Reaper.
George Jr. feels particular bad that he never told his son how much he really loved him.
George Dean III

George III gets one chance to beg for his life.
Bianca & George Jr. watch George III’s spirit being led away by the Grim Reaper.
Bianca and George Jr. are left staring at his headstone in disbelief.
All of the crying and mourning wakes Tania up from her sleep.  She is heartbroken to learn that her baby brother is gone.
Once again George Jr.’s life is framed in tragedy, but his stone heart will not allow him to grieve in the same way as the rest of his family.

Tania stands and stares at George III’s headstone for hours.  She just doesn’t know if she will ever be able to get past this tragedy.

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