
Monday, September 20, 2010

The Sims 3: The Deans (part 4)

The Dean family returns home from their 6 day vacation in China; ready to face life without George III.  They decide to keep his ashes at home, rather than have him buried at the cemetery.
Tania decides to invite Antwain Cheek home to meet her family.  George Jr., wearing his Martial Arts gi for intimidation, is eager to meet this boy that seems to have his daughter’s full attention. 
George Jr. quietly observes Antwain waiting for his opportunity to speak with him man to man.
George Jr. greets Antwain with a salute.  Antwain doesn’t seem very intimidated.
George Jr. sets his observation skills in high gear.  He discovers that Antwain is a technophobe, light sleeper and is disciplined. George Jr. is happy to know that they have the disciplined trait in common.
George Jr. likes Antwain and feels more comfortable allowing him to visit with his daughter.
George Jr. goes back in the house, leaving Tania & Antwain alone.  Tania asks Antwain if he is dating anyone.
She is disappointed to know that he is dating Helena from school.
Tania thinks about how she wants to move forward.  Should she leave Antwain & Helena’s relationship alone…
…or should she try to steal his heart?
Tania decides that life is too short and allows a bit of ruthlessness to guide her.  She uses a pick up line on Antwain.
Antwain doesn’t react too negatively, so she decides to openly flirt with him.  She can see that he is a bit uncomfortable with it, so she backs down.
Tania feels the best thing to do is take it slow and develop a friendship with Antwain first.  They spend the rest of the afternoon watching TV.
Tania begins to get to know a bit more about Antwain. He doesn’t appear to be into working out.
Antwain tends to talk about dirt a lot.  Could he be a neat freak?
Tania mentions her love for photography.  He doesn’t say much about it, so he must not be into photography.  Tania can’t wait to find out as much as she can about this boy.
Bianca returns home from training the cops at the police station and notices a boy in her yard.  Could this be the boy that Tania has been spending all this time with?
Bianca goes outside to meet this young man.  He seems to be polite – good sign.  She invites him to dinner.
Antwain agrees to stay for dinner.
Antwain is polite throughout dinner and can hold a decent conversation.  Bianca likes him a lot.
Tatiana joins them at the dinner table to form her own opinion.
Tatiana is very protective of her granddaughter, but her overall impression is good.  Everyone in Tania’s family likes Antwain, but how can she get him to fall for her?
Why doesn’t he feel the same way that she does?  Or does he?
Does his heart beat quicken when she enters the room, like hers does for him?  Does he feel incomplete every time she leaves the room, like she is feeling right now?
Tania is determined to win Antwain’s heart, but how does she go about it?
For now, her strategy is to be around him as much as possible.  As soon as he gets home and logs on to his computer, she begins to instant message him.  The more time he spends with her, the less he is spending with his girlfriend Helena.
While Tania is in the house trying to win Antwain’s heart, Tatiana is still experiencing emptiness in hers over the loss of her grandson.
Meanwhile, George Jr. leaves a recruitment military session at the school.  He has no success in recruiting any of the high school seniors for the new military training program. 
George Jr.’s boss is very disappointed in his performance.  George Jr. is not happy about making his boss unhappy.
The next day, Tania and George Jr. focus on Tania’s martial arts training. 
George Jr. is very pleased with Tania’s quick gain in development and skill.
Tania’s focus is amazing.  She loses this spar match, but George Jr. knows that it won’t be very long before she’ll be able to beat him in a match.
After her training, Tania decides to head over to Antwain’s house.
Antwain is definitely not disappointed to see her.  Is this a good sign?
Tania compliments Antwain on how gorgeous his house is.  He tells her about the interior decorator they hired to get the interior just right.
After a few more minutes of conversation, Tania attempts to flirt with Antwain.
Antwain feels that Tania is being awkward and he reminds her about his girlfriend Helena. 
Tania apologizes for being insensitive and invites Antwain to the local hatchery to attend the neighborhood grill-a-thon. He hesitantly agrees to attend with her and is visibly uncomfortable with her previous flirty behavior.
Tania attempts to lighten the mood by showing Antwain her best silly face.
Antwain reciprocates with his own silly face and the two of them giggle and laugh like old friends.
The two of them always have such a great time together that Tania just does not believe that Antwain does not have feelings for her.  Why does he keep hiding behind this supposed relationship with Helena, who he’s never around?
“I think you’re secretly in love with me,” Tania blurts out with a joking tone.
Antwain turns his head with an uncomfortable expression on his face, but he doesn’t deny it.
“I really don’t want to discuss this with you,” Antwain answers. “I’m in a relationship and you need to accept that.” Tania doesn’t want to let it go, but she does.
She takes the conversation back to safer topics.
Tania sits down to eat a picnic lunch and watches Antwain as he walks away to participate in the grill-a-thon.  “How can I get him to admit his feelings for me?” She asks herself.
Antwain attempts to grill steak for the grill-a-thon…
…but it does not turn out so well.
While Antwain was busy burning up his steak, Tania received a phone call from the self-employment office, letting her know that has been promoted to level 8 in the photography career.  She tells Antwain the news.
Antwain is surprised and impressed that she has reached such a high level in her career while still in high school.
He gives her a genuine hug of congratulations.
Tania is in heaven!

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