
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sims 3: The Price Family

Mercedes Price was first introduced in the Kamal Campbell story. (Please read his story first for background information on the Price Family).

We last saw Mercedes in the Kamal Campbell story, when she and Kamal took the relationship farther than either of them intended.
Well that brief relationship resulted in a child.  Mercedes finds herself in labor, alone in a new town.
Lexus Price is born at home, after Mercedes is suddenly unable to contact Kamal.
Alone and broke with a job that she’s not expected to begin for days, Mercedes is left scrounging through town for collectables and other valuables that she can sell for money.
With no money for a babysitter and no way to get in touch with her new baby’s father, Mercedes is forced to drag baby Lexus with her all over town in search of money.
She finally catches up with Kamal at the fire station where he works. Because Kamal is still in a relationship with Sophia and had never told Sophia about his relationship with Mercedes, he denies the relationship ever happened.
Mercedes is upset by Kamal’s denials, but  decides that she will just have to do the best that she can raising her new daughter alone. Lexus grows up to be a adorable toddler.
Lexus Price (Campbell)
Mercedes finally begins work as a stylist.  Her very long hours causes her to be away from Lexus for long periods, so she tries to spend as much quality time as possible on her days off.
She takes Lexus to the park to teach her how to walk.
Newly mobile Lexus
Mercedes runs into Penny, Kamal’s first child’s mother and cannot resist tossing her an insult.
Mercedes  takes now grade-school age Lexus with her while she works on the weekend.
The older Lexus gets, the more curious she is about her father.
Mercedes is now very successful as a stylist and can provide any material thing that Lexus may want, but she knows that no amount of money will replace the lack of a father figure in Lexus’ life.
Still she tries to give Lexus as much quality time as possible, but…
She just can’t fill the emptiness that she sees in Lexus’ eyes.
Maybe it’s time for Mercedes to consider getting married so that there will be a male presence in the house for Lexus.
In the meantime, Lexus gets ready for her first day of school.
She should be very excited about starting school, but…
She suddenly gets the “get attention from dad” wish and She just can’t shake the sadness in her heart that she has never met her dad.
Every child should have a daddy to see them off on their first day of school.
Lexus’ first day at Stary Community School
As she arrives at the school, her mood perks up a bit when her friendly trait kicks in and she realizes that school is a great opportunity to meet friends.
While Lexus is at school, Mercedes sees her day off as an opportunity to get to know Notzo Curious, who’s been showing interest in her, a bit better.
She greets him in a very flirtatious way.
She has his full attention.
Mercedes, a hopeless romantic, uses every flirty move that she knows.
Just to assure that she’ll be able to snag this eligible bachelor, she gets his attention even more with her best dance moves.
He’s falling for it.
Mercedes’ has cast the bait and now she starts to reel him in.
She proceeds to use her “great kisser” skills.
And Notzo decides that he’d like more of a commitment between he and Mercedes, which is just what she wanted.
Lexus comes home from school and sees a strange man on her couch.  Could this be her father?
She can’t help but be disappointed that it isn’t.
But she politely greets him.
She’s not very excited to find out that her mother is dating someone who is not her father.
She excuses herself to start her homework.
But finds it a bit hard to concentrate.
After Notzo leaves, Mercedes decides to draft up a few new fashion ideas.
The next morning, she gussies herself up for another day of work.
She has a full day of clients to makeover.
This client really needs some fashion advice.
These shoes definitely don’t go with this outfit.
Ah…that’s better!
Mercedes’ snob trait makes her a great stylist.  Her clients would agree.
Of course Mercedes’ favorite client is herself.
After school, Lexus heads over to the salon to wait for her mother to finish work.
Mercedes has a lot of clients and works long hours at the salon.
At the salon, Lexus starts her homework.
Lexus is a few days away from aging up to a teen.  She decides to change her style to a slightly older look.
Mercedes is surprised to get Clark Pincher, Lexus’ half-brother in as a client.
He’s not too happy with the makeover that Mercedes gives him, but he still agrees to give Mercedes his cell number, so that Lexus could contact him. He’s surprised to know that he has a little half-sister.
When Mercedes gives Lexus Clark’s phone number, she gives her mother a big hug. 
She immediately calls her big half-brother Clark.
Clark tells her a bit about her father Kamal.
Clark promises to keep in touch with Lexus. Lexus is thrilled.
Lexus is very happy to know that she has a brother and this helps to fill a bit of the emptiness in her heart. She hopes that her relationship with her brother will be a door to finally meeting her father.
For now, she is suddenly more grateful for the love and attention that she gets from her mother, but will this contentment last?