
Monday, September 27, 2010

Sims 3 The Wards (part 4)

Later that day, Miles feels as if he can conquer the world.  The words of encouragement that his wife Sephora has spoken to him lifts him to a new high. 
Sephora is also newly inspired.
She puts her all into creating the first of three statues to complete the opportunity she’s been given by the people at the warehouse.
Later that day, Sephora remembers that she overheard someone in town mentioning that Barnacle Bay has a nice library. Sephora realizes that she may be able to find books on gardening in the library.
Sure enough, she get to the library and finds just what she needs.  She is finally able to learn a bit about gardening so that she can develop the skill.
She stays until late in the evening reading until she is a level 1 gardener.
Miles also stays out late working on his craft.  Once again, he goes to the park to practice and sure enough, he attracts some listeners.
Sephora heads home from the library.  She is ecstatic that she has developed some gardening skills.  She cannot wait to get some seeds so that she can start her garden.
By the time she gets home, Miles is already there.  She can’t wait to tell him that she has learned gardening and she has sold enough statues to be at level 2 in her career.
Miles is in the shower, still feeling pretty good about his day.
While Miles finishes up in the bathroom, Sephora decides to get dinner started.  This time she sticks with something that she cannot burn – a Autumn Salad.
Sephora takes her time so that everything is extra special.  She hopes that Miles has had a great day of practicing.
Miles finishes his shower and comes to join Sephora for dinner.
Miles is starving as he sits down for dinner.  He is glad that it looks so good.
Miles talks about how he can’t wait to get a good night’s sleep. Sephora feels the same way.
Miles’ meal is interrupted when he gets a phone call with an opportunity to perform in Egypt.
Miles accepts the opportunity, but knows that it will be a while before he has the money to actually visit Egypt.  He would love to be able to take Sephora on vacation in Egypt.  She definitely deserves it.
Miles gets ready to head to bed, but Sephora stops him in his tracks.  “Wait! I have exciting news!”
She continues, her voice cheerful and exhilarant, “ I’ve sold enough statues to be a level two sculptor!”
Miles is thrilled.  He gets a chance to be her cheerleader for a change.
Miles is very sleepy, but he continues to give Sephora his full attention.  She reveals that she’s had a chance to learn how to garden and it didn’t cost anything to learn.
That reminds Miles that he had something for her.  After he left the park, he stopped by the supermarket to purchase seeds for Sephora to start her garden.
This puts a big grin on Sephora’s face.  Miles gives her the seeds and retires for the evening.
Sephora rushes out side, cultivates a section of dirt and begins planting tomatoes, lettuce and an apple tree.
Now she’ll get to spend even more time outside as she grows her new garden.  Sephora has a great husband, she’s advancing in her career and she finally has her garden. Today was a good day!

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