
Friday, September 24, 2010

Sims 3: The Wards

 Meet Miles and Sephora Ward. Miles & Sephora are newly weds who just purchased a home in Barnacle Bay.  The Wards first visited Barnacle Bay on their honeymoon and fell in love with the town. They sold all they had and relocated, prepared for a new town and new adventures. 

Party animal Miles strives to become a Rock Star.  He is a schmoozer and car enthusiast who dislikes children.  He is also a mooch who's not shy to ask for what he wants and needs.

During her honeymoon Sephora was impressed by the artistic culture in Barnacle Bay and strives to become a sculptor. Aided by the savvy sculptor trait, she's sure to make lots of money with her art. She's a neurotic vegetarian who freaks out over the slightest issues. She's also eco-friendly and loves the outdoors.

The Wards are excited by the move and look forward to building successful careers, making lots of friends and having a great time in Barnacle Bay.  Will moving to this new town allow their dreams to come true?

 The Wards are ecstatic over the cute little house they just purchased in Barnacle Bay.
 Miles & Sephora Ward fell in love with Barnacle Bay after spending their honeymoon on the island.
 They  sold all that they had in their old town and decided to start over in this new town.
Sephora & Miles love each other very much and look forward to building successful careers, making lots of friends and having a great time in Barnacle Bay.

 Sephora is a eco-friendly vegetarian who loves the outdoors. 
 When she saw the charming landscaped backyard, overlooking the ocean, she knew that she just had to have this house.
 Miles is a party animal, who loves to schmooze.  He strives to pursue a career in music and become a rock star. 
 During the honeymoon, Sephora fell in love with the artistic culture of Barnacle Bay. This fell right in line with her savvy sculptor trait.

 Miles does not wait to settle in before he goes to apply for a job at the local town theater.
 Miles just loves the beauty and freshness of Barnacle Bay.  He can actually breathe better in the clean ocean air of the island.
 Miles arrives at the theater to apply for a job.
 Sephora also jumps at the chance to start her career.  She purchases a Pedestrian Sculpting Station and begins teaching herself the sculptor skill.
 Miles leave the theater with a job as a fan.  He also took a brief guitar class at the theater to learn the basics.
 Miles walks across the street to the beach to take in the beauty of the ocean.
 Miles has a feeling that he and Sephora will accomplish all that they set out to do in Barnacle Bay.
 On his way home, Miles spots his new boss, Juan Inkbeard Jr. at the park.  He uses this as an opportunity to introduce himself and begin getting acquainted with Juan.
Miles enthuses about the opportunity to work with Juan at the theater.

Miles also tells Juan how much he and his wife Sephora adore the new home that they just purchased.
Miles asks Juan for tips on succeeding in the music industry.  Juan tells him that the key to building a career is making sure to get out and be seen as much as possible.
“Never turn down a gig,” Juan advices. 
“I’ve been doing a lot of experimenting with writing my own music,” Miles tells Juan.
Juan is impressed but suggests that Miles stick with playing music that people are already familiar with in the beginning.
At home, Sephora is still busy with her first sculpture.  It’s beginning to take the shape of a chair.
At the park, Miles tells Juan that he’s worried about not making enough money to support his wife and pay bills.
Juan admits that making money will be tough in the beginning, but that’s to be expected.  “Well, what should I do while I’m waiting for the money to start coming in?” Miles asks.
Juan doesn’t really have any suggestions, so Miles sees this as a great opportunity to mooch a few dollars out of Juan. He asks Juan for money…
…and surprisingly, Juan agrees to give it to him.
Miles can see that Juan will be a great mentor and friend to him.
Miles is looking forward to working closely with Juan. He knows that he will learn a lot from him.
Juan is distracted by two beautiful women passing by in the park.
Miles notices them also, but he is too enamored with his wife to give the ladies much thought.
Miles says goodbye to Juan and leaves the park to go home to his wife Sephora.
Sephora has completed her first sculpture.  She sits on it to test its sturdiness…
…then she stands back to admire her handiwork.
Miles finds out that Hogan’s Deep Sea Diner is hosting a neighborhood cook out.  He picks Sephora up at home and they head out to the diner.
Miles always looks for opportunities to party, and is disappointed that there are not many people at the cook out.
Miles sees this as an opportunity to pull out his guitar and practice.  Sephora listens to him play.
She is joined by Petunia Malifa.
Sephora introduces herself to Petunia.
Sephora enthuses about their new house...   
…and about how beautiful Barnacle Bay is, but Petunia appears to be bored with the whole discussion.  
Sephora is bothered by Petunia’s overt rudeness. She hopes that this is not a sign of what things will be like in this new town.
Miles on the other hand is pretty excited about the possibilities that Barnacle Bay is sure to offer.

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