
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sims 3: The Deans (part 12)

The car ride is somewhat awkward on the way to city hall.  No one says a word.  When they get to city hall, Tania hops out and rushes inside to get her award, leaving George Jr. and Antwain alone.
Antwain breaks the ice with George Jr… 
…while Tania enters the building.
Outside, Antwain and George Jr. laugh and joke.  George Jr. really likes Antwain and is glad that his daughter has chosen Antwain to fall in love with.
“You know that I wasn’t very pleased to know that you moved in with my daughter without marrying her.”
“Sir, I love your daughter very much and I plan to marry her.”

George Jr. is pleased to hear this.  He would love to have Antwain as his son-in-law.
The conversation moves on to politics.  George Jr. and Antwain find that they have a lot in common.
George Jr. loves the fact that Antwain is so ambitious.  He’ll make a great politician.
Tania has collected her award.  She has been given the “key to the city” award in photography.  She is thrilled about it, but her mind is on her father and Antwain right now. 
Antwain and George Jr. are still having a pleasant conversation.
Tania rushes over, but is surprised to see that her father is actually being personable to Antwain.  
Antwain answers his phone.  Tania and her father don’t know quite what to say to each other.
Antwain is on the phone with Bianca.  George Jr. and Tania pretend to listen in, but in reality, they are each trying to figure out how to resolve the issues that they are having.
Tania breaks the ice. She tells her father about her photography award.
George Jr. tells her how proud he is of her.  Then the two of them just burst into laughter for no apparent reason.
They laugh harder than they’ve ever laughed before.  “I’ve been such a jerk.” George Jr. admits. “It’s been hard seeing you as a grown-up.”
“It’s been hard seeing myself as one.” Tania also admits.
“I don’t say it much, but I do love you and I loved your brother…”George begins.
“I know daddy.  I know that you just show it in a different way. ”
“Being in the military taught me one thing - never let your enemies see your emotions.  I guess I carried that philosophy over to my home life too. Hiding your emotions doesn’t work with loved ones.”
“Well to tell you the truth, I’ve always admired your strength, but I just never understood it.” Tania tells him.
Tania listens while George Jr. reveals what it was like to lose his mother and father at such a young age, and about how he had to be responsible for a lot of things way too soon.
He tells Tania about how he learned to hide his true feelings at all times.  This is the first time that George Jr. has been so open to anyone besides his wife Bianca.
Tania lets him in on a few secrets of her own.
They both laugh over some of their sillier moments.
“Do you want to come over and see our house?” Tania asks her father.
George Jr. pretends to think it over. “Of course I want to see the house.  What kind of question is that!?” George answers amused.
They all arrive at Tania and Antwain’s house.
This is the first time that Tania and her father have actually behaved as friends. Tania lets her father know how happy she is to be able to talk with him so candidly.
And for the first time that Tania can remember, her father grabs her and pulls her close…
…into the hug that she has been longing for, for a very long time.

Tania is happy to have her father as not just a father, but a friend.

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