
Friday, October 1, 2010

The Sims 3: The Deans (part 6)

George Dean Jr. decides to grill up some hotdogs for the family.
Tania and her new boyfriend Antwain watch TV, enjoying a few preciously rare moments of alone time.
Their alone time is over when George Jr. calls the family to eat, and Antwain joins him outside.
They are soon joined by the rest of the family.  Everyone is excited to get to know Tania’s new boyfriend better.
Just as the rest of the Dean family sits down to eat, Antwain shys away from the table.  George Jr. is not too happy about it.
George Jr. immediately lets Antwain know that he did not appreciate his rudeness.  Antwain tells him that he did not mean to disrespect the Dean household.
Antwain, a bit intimidated by Tania’s dad decides that it’s time for him to leave.  Tania has a desire to kiss Antwain goodbye, but doesn’t dare with her two black belt parents standing there with them in the kitchen.  Bianca is watching them from the corner of her eye.
The next morning, Bianca leaves for her first day as an elementary school teacher.  She is thrilled about her promotion.
After everyone else is at work & school, George Jr. and Tatiana are careful to avoid each other.  Tatiana still secretly blames George for her grandson’s death, but does not want to hurt her daughter Bianca by revealing this.
They both silently agree to remain civil out of respect and their mutual love for Bianca.
Tatiana spends time creating what she considers her final masterpiece.  She is getting on in age and knows that her time is near.
She has cheated death once, with use of a death flower, but is not sure if she can do it a second time.
Tatiana’s painting is indeed a masterpiece; worth a couple thousand simoleons.  She intends to give this to her granddaughter Tania today for her birthday.
Tatiana hopes that she won’t be saying goodbye for good today.
Tania and Tatiana were once very close.  Now that Tania is a teen with a career and social life, they don’t spend as much time together.
Tatiana is very happy when Tania comes to her to tell her about her day at school.  If today is the last day for Tatiana, she feels that she would miss her beautiful granddaughter the most.
Tatiana tells Tania about a bit of gossip that she’s overheard; glad to be spending this time with her.
Soon after, a very strange mechanical creature arrives at the Dean’s house.
The noisy, clunky creature steps over the threshold just as Tania begins her homework.
The simbot notices Tania, but walks straight into the house searching for the person that he was programmed to find.
Tania does not like the look of this strange creature.  It’s noise and oily smell are even worst.
The creature finds George Jr.  George Jr. earned enough lifetime points to purchase this creature.  He is a bit disappointed that the creature looks to be in such bad shape.
The simbot announces to George Jr. that he is his “new best friend”, then he turns in search of a bookshelf.
George Jr. is not sure if he has spent his lifetime points wisely.
Tatiana sees the creepy simbot and is sure that George Jr. has something to do with this piece of junk being in their house.
Tatiana is not sure why George Jr. would allow this hunk of metal to be in their home.
The creature seems to be heading towards her garage apartment and she calls out to stop it.
The creature hears her call out and stops in his tracks…
…then chows down on a piece of scrap metal.
Today is Tania’s birthday and she decides to call over a few friends to celebrate.  The first to arrive is her friend Christine.
The rest of Tania’s guests arrive, including her boyfriend Antwain.
Antwain greets Tania with a kiss and wishes her a happy birthday.
Tania orders a pizza for the party and Bianca goes out to greet the deliverer and bring the pizza in.
All the party guests congregate inside to grab a slice of pizza.
Tania thinks they probably should have ordered more than one.
There seems to be enough pizza.  Everyone grabs a slice and tries to find a place to sit and eat.
Tania grabs a seat next to Antwain.
Then the party livens up as the guests begin to enjoy the music by dancing.
George Jr. does not dislike Antwain, but he is still protective of his daughter and gives Antwain a stern glance to let him know that.
Tania decides that it’s time to make her wish and blow out her candles.
She wishes for a happy successful transition to adulthood and proceeds to blow out her candles.
All of Tania’s guest celebrate with her once the candles are blown out.
Tania is now a young adult.
Tania is delighted to be a young adult and looks forward to moving out of her family’s house.
Not minutes after she ages up, tragedy once again strikes the Dean family. George Jr. who was in bed, hears Tania’s cries and runs out to see what is happening.

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