
Friday, October 29, 2010

The sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 7)

 Destiny has finally finished her late shift.  She calls Moxie and tells her to meet her at the sports bar.  She wants to celebrate her promotion to Best Girl.
Destiny runs up the hill to the subway station.
While Destiny is riding the subway, Drake is still trying to get the feel of bartending and mixology.
As Destiny steps out of the subway, she’s greeted by Moxie.
“Hey girl.  Thanks for inviting me out.  How’s work?”

“I actually got a promotion today!” Destiny answers.

“That’s good news! Congrats!” Moxie says.
“Thanks, but it’s no big deal.  I’m really just the person they send to get coffee and donuts for the crew.  You ready to head up to the bar?”
Destiny and Moxie get into the elevator, while the bartender decides to test Drake’s drink making skills by ordering a few simple drinks.
Drake hands over the first drink.  The bartender takes a sip to taste it. He’s ready to give Drake’s first drink the thumbs up, until the aftertaste kicks in…
”Ugh, dude what’d you put in this?”
Drake’s second drink is no better.  The bartender can tell just from the smell, “This smells like death!”  He hands the drink back to Drake without tasting it.
“Do me a favor…don’t quit your day job just yet.”  The bartender says to Drake while watching him mix another drink.
Destiny and Moxie step out of the elevator. Destiny can’t wait to see her man mixing drinks in a real bar for the first time.
“Hey there sexy!” She greets him.

“What can I get for you gorgeous?” Drake asks imitating a professional mixologist.
“I’ll take a Winning Streak on the rocks.”

Drake is slightly embarrassed, “Babe, I don’t know how to make that.”
 “Well get over here and give me some love and let the professional take over,” Destiny says playfully
Drake and Destiny catch up on news of each other’s day, including Destiny’s promotion.  Moxie is busy conversing with the creepy bouncer.
“Destiny, I’m outta here.  This dude is giving me the creeps.” Moxie calls out running for the door.  Destiny doesn’t care, she’s too busy having fun dancing with Drake.
“Do you still want that drink?” Drake asks.

“Not if you’re gonna make it.” Destiny says smiling.  
Drake laughs, “No…I’m not.”  Drake orders from the bartender.
Drake orders two Winning Streaks and Destiny grabs one.
Drake can immediately taste the difference in this drink when compared to his own.  He has a long way to go to perfect his craft.
Drake sits down at the bar to order onion rings.  Destiny downs her drink and hops on the bar.  “Think I could work for Simote Ugly?” She asks Drake and begins to dance.
Drake orders his food. “Babe, please don’t fall,” He says to Destiny.

“I’m too sexy to fall,” She answers.
“Yes, you are,” Drake agrees before grabbing his food from the bartender.
The bartender looks as if he agrees as well as he watches Destiny’s seductive moves.
Drake enjoys his onion rings while Destiny continues to dance.   
Drake is ready to go now.  He’s had his first moonlighting experience and is ready for bed.
Drake stops and cheers Destiny on. 
"Looking good babe. Now let’s go.” He says.
 Destiny hops down.  “I think that drink was a bit strong.”  She says.
Destiny suddenly realizes how tired she is.
Drake and Destiny take a taxi home.  Once again, they don’t make it home until early morning.
Destiny and Drake are happy to lay their heads down for the night. 

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