
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sims 3: The Price Family (part 10)

While baby Taye is sleeping, Mercedes and Notzo both try to get as much done as possible.
The dishwasher is broken, so Notzo tries his hand at fixing it.
Lexus comes home from her talk with her father more determined.  She won’t let anything stop her from becoming a doctor now.
“Mom, can I talk to you outside for a moment?” Lexus asks.  Mercedes is a bit concerned with the tone in Lexus’ voice.
“Sure Lex, is everything OK?” Mercedes asks, concern reflecting in her voice. She follows Lexus outside.
“Mom, I met with Kamal today,” Lexus begins.

“Really?” Mercedes is really worried now. “How did it go?”
“I told him how much he has hurt me and that I never want to see him again.” Lexus reveals.

“How do you feel about that?” Mercedes questions.
“At first I felt relieved, but-” Lexus stops as tears begin to well up in her eyes.
Mercedes grabs her daughter and holds her close.  “Why doesn’t he love me mama?” Lexus sobs into her mother’s neck.
“Oh baby. It’s not you, He doesn’t love himself,” Mercedes answers with conviction.
“You just hold your head up.  You didn’t need him to become the great person that you are,” Mercedes encourages.
“I just wish I had picked a better father for you.” Mercedes avoids Lexus’ eyes.
“You didn’t need to find me a better father, you have always been enough of a mother and father for me.”
“And you have more than made up for my lack of a father by marrying a terrific man like Notzo,” Lexus tells her mother.  Mercedes smiles.
Deep down Lexus knows that her life will be just fine without Kamal Campbell in it.
Now that he is out of her life for good, Lexus focuses on her schoolwork so that she can make her dream of becoming a  top surgeon come true.


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