
Monday, October 4, 2010

Sims 3: The Price Family (part 7)

All is quiet in the Price household.
Notzo and Mercedes are happy to get much needed rest.
Mercedes’ motherly instincts kick in.  She gets up to check up on baby Taye.
Mercedes tries to get to Taye before he begins crying and wakes up Lexusshe’s a few minutes too late.
Lexus is not happy with her rude awakening. 
Mercedes attempts to calm Taye, while Lexus wishes that he would just be quiet so that she can go back to bed.  She does not like this part of being a big sister.
Mercedes tells Lexus to go back to bed.  She leaves the room with Taye, so that Lexus can get enough rest before school.
Mercedes tiptoes down the stairs.
Baby Taye greedily takes his middle of the night bottle.  He’s a hungry little guy.
Mercedes places him on a blanket on the floor.  Since she’s already awake, she might as well get a bit of work done.
Mercedes gets as much done as she can, before…
…baby Taye begins screaming for a diaper change.
Mercedes hurries to attend to him before he wakes the rest of the household. She takes care of his needs, before putting him to bed and returning to bed herself.
The next morning, Lexus is up bright and early for school.  She’s still a bit tired because of Taye, but that is not on her mind right now.
Lexus has been having a very tough time getting in touch with her father Kamal, so she calls her half- brother Clark to find out if he has heard from their father.
It’s time for school, so Lexus gets off the phone with Clark and thinks what he said. Clark told her that their father is rarely at home.  The only time Clark gets to see him is if he stops by the firehouse.  He suggests that Lexus do the same. 
Lexus doesn’t feel that she should have to go through so many leaps and bounds in order to have a relationship with her father.  “He should be just as interested in getting to know me,” she tells herself as she runs to make it on the bus on time.
When the house is empty, and Mercedes and Taye has gotten all the rest they need, Mercedes decides to give her nectar maker another try.  Last time her homemade nectar came out horribly.  She’s not quite ready to give up yet. She places Taye on a blanket and gets started.
Mercedes places most of the grapes that she bought in France into the nectar machine, but decides that she’d better plant a few, so that she can have some for later.
Mercedes returns to the machine, strips down to her swimwear and starts mashing the fruit.
By the time the fruit is mashed down to the required consistency, she is exhausted.
She cranks up the machine to get it started.
After a few unsuccessful tries, the machine is finally churning.
Mercedes picks up baby Taye, and the two of them head into the house.  Both are ready for another nap.
Meanwhile, Notzo is overly excited as he leaves work.  He has been promoted to patrol officer and finally gets to wear a uniform.
Notzo wants to get a tattoo. he heads over to the salon.
Notzo sits in the strange tattoo artist’s chair.  Whenever he makes a request, she seems to want to do the opposite.
Notzo tells her that he wants his tattoo on his left arm, she begins applying it on the right.  He tells her he wants a symbol, she suggests that he get an animal.
After a lot of back and forth with the tattoo artist, Notzo finally gets the simple design that he wants.
After she is done, the stylist recognizes Notzo as being Mercedes’ husband.  She asks about the new baby.
Notzo takes some time to tell her how things are going. He then leaves to attend a special program at the local school, where he has to give a speech about the effects of bullying.
Notzo spent a bit too much time at the salon.  He has to run so that he is not late for his speech at the school.
While Notzo is running top speed to get to the school program on time, Mercedes is getting some much needed rest.
Lexus leaves work and hurries home to complete some late homework.  Now that she has aspirations of becoming a doctor, she knows that she can no longer slack off in school.

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