
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sims 3 The Wards (part 10)

 New parents, Miles & Sephora, try to get as much sleep as they can. Miles is determined to be a great father, but his nightmares are taunting him – telling him that he won’t be...that he can’t be.
Sephora is dreaming of happy times ahead, while Miles dreams of drowning in baby gear, toys, tears and dirty diapers.
Miles’ love for Sephora is greater than his fears.
He is determined to suppress his fears in order to make his marriage work.
Sephora wakes up to check on Zawadi.
She snuggles Zawadi to her shoulder and gives her a kiss filled with love.
Sephora checks to see if Zawadi is hungry.  Zawadi guzzles down a whole bottle of milk.
Sephora lays Zawadi down and begins to cook breakfast.  Soon after, Miles wakes up with his stomach growling.
Miles feels as if he hasn’t eaten in decades. 
 Sephora gathers her ingredients for organic pancakes.  She wants to make a great breakfast that’s not burnt to a crisp.
 Sephora watches the pancakes carefully as they heat up.  “Watch for bubbles, watch for bubbles…” she reminds herself quietly.
Sephora made sure to flip the pancakes when the bubbles formed and they came out perfect.
Miles gets dressed and hurries into the kitchen after smelling the pancakes.  He is impressed that they actually look edible.
They taste as great as they look!  Sephora chats with Miles about her garden, while he greedily inhales his pancakes.
 Miles tells Sephora of his plans on playing his guitar in the park for tips.  With baby Zawadi here now, he knows he needs to make a lot of money so that they can add a second room to the house.
Sephora’s breakfast is interrupted by Zawadi’s cries.  Sephora goes in to change her dirty diaper.
Sephora tending to Zawadi gives Miles a great opportunity to escape.  He goes to the park and lays his guitar case out for passers by to place their tips.
 Sephora dives headfirst into housework…
 …while Miles’ guitar playing begins to draw a crowd.
 As the crowd grows, Miles’ tips increase.
At this rate, it won’t be long before Zawadi will have her own bedroom.
While Zawadi is sleeping, Sephora quietly changes clothes.
Sephora has been desperate to get back outside to her garden.
Her vegetables are growing in wonderfully and her gardening skill is increasing.
However, her gardening pleasure is interrupted by Zawadi’s cries.
 Zawadi wants attention and Sephora is more than happy to give it to her.
 After they play for a while, Sephora places Zawadi on a blanket outside.  Sephora really wants to begin a new sculpture to sell at the consignment shop.
 Zawadi is peaceful and calm outside; feeling a gentle breeze on her face and watching the leaves on the trees blow in the wind.
 Sephora is almost able to finish her ice sculpture… 
…but she stops to take Zawadi inside as night falls.
Miles leaves work.  He has been promoted to band manager.
Miles greets Sephora with a kiss when he gets home.  Despite his earlier objections to having a kid, he is happy to note that things are really falling into place. 
Sephora is glad to see Miles in such a great mood.  
 Miles grabs a quick meal from the refrigerator while Sephora gets ready for bed.
 Sephora is on her way to bed when Zawadi starts crying.  Sephora is exhausted, but she changes Zawadi’s dirty diaper and puts her back in her crib.
 After Sephora has fallen asleep, Miles enters the bedroom to change from his work clothes.  He experiences a drop in his mood when he is close to Zawadi.
 Miles, despite his dislike of children, picks Zawadi up from her crib.  This is the first time he has held his daughter since she was born.
 Zawadi is so pretty, just like her mother. Just looking at her warms Mile’s heart.
Miles pulls her in until he can feel her warm baby breath on his face.
 Zawadi is slowly growing on Miles.
 Miles lays his little princess down on a blanket and plays her a song on his guitar.
 The music is calming to her.
A smile comes across Miles’ face as he looks down on his happy baby.
 Miles picks Zawadi up and puts her in her crib for the night.
And for the first time since Zawadi was born, Miles has peaceful dreams about his career and fatherhood.

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