
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sims 3 The Wards (part 12)

 The next morning, Miles has a day off.  He volunteers to take over baby care, while Sephora spends the day doing what she wants.
Sephoria indulges in a nice breakfast before heading outside to get some gardening done.
 Mile’s sleep is interrupted when Zawadi wakes up crying.
Miles reluctantly walks over to the crib to check on her.
 Though Mile’s sleep has been interrupted, he gets pleasure from giving Zawadi her morning bottle.
Just when Miles thinks that she’s satisfied, she begins screaming again.
Miles snuggles Zawadi against his neck, hoping that it calms her.
Zawadi is finally calm.  Miles quickly washes up and gets dressed.  If he hurries maybe he can steal a bit of time to eat and practice guitar.
Miles has just enough time to clean up a dirty dish left from last night before he can hear Zawadi crying again.
 This time she has a dirty diaper. 
Miles winds up a music box that was given to Zawadi as a gift.
Miles prays that the music will keep Zawadi calm long enough for him to have breakfast.
Miles finally gets an opportunity to grab left-overs.  All of the morning tears reminds him of why he prefers not to be around children. 
Outside, Sephora hears all of the commotion, but takes advantage of Mile’s day off by taking time to do some of the things that she enjoys.
With Miles taking care of Zawadi, Sephora gets a chance to plant watermelon, grape and lime seeds in her garden.
Sephora then begins a new sculpture.
Miles uses his small window of free time to learn a new song on his guitar.
Miles also calls his boss to handle a few band manager issues.
Miles is slightly upset when his boss tells him about the big gathering at the park as they speak.  He tells Miles that it’s a great opportunity to earn a lot of tips, but Miles has to turn him down because of his baby duties for the day.
Meanwhile, Sephora heads down to the theater to complete an opportunity to talk to some of musicians about sculpturing.  She earns some money for her time.
 Mile’s conversation is cut short when he hears Zawadi crying again.
 This time he cannot figure out exactly what is bothering Zawadi so he tries a little of everything.
 Again, Zawadi is calm and Miles grabs his guitar to practice.
 In the mist of Mile’s hectic day with Zawadi, construction begins on her new room.
 The short construction project does not take long.  The Wards tiny house on the cliff is slowly becoming a family home.
Zawadi’s crib is moved into her new room once the paint dries.
Unfortunately, Zawadi doesn’t spend much time in it, before she starts crying again.  Miles is quick to attend to her.
At this point, Miles is exhausted.  He rolls his eyes in frustration.  “Please baby girl, have mercy on your father,” he begs.
Zawadi calms down as if she understood.
And Miles drags his tired body to bed for a nap.  He cannot wait to get back to work tomorrow so that he can rest.  He will never take what Sephora does as a stay at home mom for granted again.

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