
Monday, November 29, 2010

Sims 3 The Pratts (part 26)

 Candy and Mimi hop in the car and head towards the Le Petit club.  There’s a nice hot tub there and should be pretty empty tonight, allowing them to sit and chat without discretion.
 As predicted, the club is empty and the two friends enjoy relaxing amongst the warm hot tub bubbles.
 “Mimi, do you ever regret never marrying?”
 “About as much as I regret never being homeless.”
 “Wow Mimi, that’s pretty harsh.”

“You know I have commitment issues.  Why the surprise?”

“Oh yes, I forgot,” Candy says before leaning back into a relaxed position.  
 Mimi and Candy spend over a half hour together discussing relationships and life in general, before deciding to call it a night.
 Gwen arrives home and follows blaring music upstairs to discover Lindsay in her bedroom.  “Cool bedroom cousin!” Lindsay says as if it’s perfectly ok for her to be in Gwen’s room without permission.
 Gwen is so shocked that miss popularity is talking to her, that she forgets to put up her guard, and doesn’t respond in the sarcastic manner that she usually would have.  Instead she shows Lindsay how cool her room looks under black light.
 “Very cool!”  Lindsay says.  “We need to hang out more.  Family should stick together.  See you at school…ciao!” Lindsay says before leaving for home.   Gwen is still in shock.

 That night, after everyone is sleeping, Rena wakes up; unable to fall asleep because of her little secret.  She and Spencer are going to be parents.  Now that she knows for sure, she cannot wait to tell everyone.
 Her happiness is interrupted by a sudden need to eat ice cream with spaghetti.  “Do cravings begin this early?” She wonders to herself.
 The next morning, Spencer is up bright and early.  He’s well rested and ready for a productive day of work.  He is moving up the ladder pretty rapidly, partly due to his hard work and ambition, and partly because he’s the owner’s son.
 Gwen receives an early morning call from Lydell; letting her know that today will be his last day of school.  He is aging up to an adult and ready to put an end to the whole high school thing.
 Although Gwen is upset that her only high school friend is quitting school, she decides to get dressed up a bit and try to make it a special day for him.
 In the kitchen, Rena is thinking about how parenthood will change her lifetime wish of becoming a composer.  She knows that she will have to reevaluate and reprioritize now that she is sure that she’s expecting.
Rena feels that she will just burst if she keeps the news in any longer.  Spencer has already left for work, so she goes to Candy with the news. “Good morning mom,” Rena begins, “remember how you told Spencer and I not to wait too long to have children; that you wanted to hear the pitter patter of little feet?”
 “Well, you don’t have to wait any longer.”

It takes a minute for Rena’s words to sink in.  Candy stands there with a dense look on her face trying to digest what was just revealed to her.  “Come again?” She says.
 “I’m pregnant…you’re going to be a grandmother!”
 “I’m going to be a grandmother?”  Candy says half asking and half declarative.

“You’re going to be a grandmother,” Rena repeats.
 Rena allows Candy time to let the news settle.
 "Oh my goodness…Rena!  You have to take good care of yourself.  Oh man…what can I do?  Let me treat you to a spa treatment!”  Candy says a thousand words a minute.
 “You don’t have to do that.  You’ve done enough for me.”

“It’s not for you, it’s for my grandchild.  Now go grab my purse so I can give you the money!”  Candy says with impatient excitement.
 Rena knows that there’s no use in arguing with Candy, besides that, her back has been killing her so she could use a nice deep tissue massage.
 Rena is glad that she didn’t turn down the massage.  The massage therapist must be a magician, because she is able to massage away every ache that Rena has been feeling.  The massage therapist even shows her a few pressure points that help keep nausea away.
 Candy leaves the house soon after Rena to visit the bookstore for new sheet music.  She runs into her long-time friend Dianne.
 “I’m going to be a grandmother!” She happily announces.
 “Already!  Wow!  I’m so happy for you!” Dianne says giving her a hug.
 Rena is back at home playing the piano when Spencer arrives home.
 Rena tries to hold her excitement in while she walks over to give Spencer the news.
 Rena decides not to beat around the bush, “Spencer, I’m pregnant.”

Spencer thinks that Rena is joking, but would she joke about something like this?
 “I’m going to be a father?” 

“Yes.  I’m pregnant.”
 Spencer reaches down and caresses Rena’s expanding tummy.
 “I’m going to be a father.” Spencer repeats as if saying it a second time will help him comprehend it better.
 “You’re going to be a mother,” he tells her as if she didn’t know.

“We’re going to be parents,”  she answers
 Spencer grabs her gently and pulls her in for a kiss.
   He whispers right before their lips meet.
 “Who would have thought?”
“Yeah, who would have thought?”  Spencer repeats, a smile spreading even wider on his face.

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