
Monday, November 15, 2010

Sims 3 The Price Family (part 16)

Monday arrives as a clean, crisp cheerful morning.  Lexus wakes up and helps Taye out of his crib.
She gets dressed for school with Terrance on her mind.  She wants to look great especially for him.
Today is Notzo’s birthday.  He starts his special day in a great mood; optimistic about his chances for promotion this week.
Taye enjoys a warm bottle.
Lexus hurries through breakfast.  She cannot wait to get to school and be near Terrance again.  Luckily they have 1st period together.
She makes it to the bus right on time.
Mercedes has the day off and is happy to spend it with Taye.  Mercedes holds her son tight while they enjoy some upbeat music.
School is out.  It was an exciting day for Lexus.  The school hallways were abuzz with the news that Lexus and Terrance may finally be a couple. They enjoyed the attention as they  walked through the hallway hand in hand.
All day at school, Lexus thought of Terrance.  Especially in the classes that they don’t share.  Now that she has discovered her feelings for him, everything else in life feels like a nuisance; getting in the way of her desire to spend her time with him.
Notzo is a very happy man when he leaves work today.  His dedication to the police force has earned him a promotion to patrol officer. 
Lexus arrives home and immediately calls Terrance. 
They discuss how hard it was to concentrate in school when all they wanted to do was be together.  “I cannot wait until we graduate! Then we can be together all day,” Lexus expresses.
But for now, school comes first.  Lexus and Terrance say their goodbyes and start their homework. 
Mercedes surprises Notzo with a birthday cake. 
Notzo makes his wish and blows out his candles.
Notzo reflects on his life so far…he has a great wife , a wonderful son and step daughter and is on the fast track in his career.  Things couldn’t be better.
He is grateful to be alive another year, but he is too tired for much celebrating.  He is ready for bed.
Mercedes rewards him with a happy birthday kiss. 
Notzo is excited to deliver news of his promotion.
Just to keep Mercedes in suspense, he tells of his meeting with his boss and how he was afraid that he had done something wrong.
Finally he gives her the news.  Mercedes is very excited and congratulates him.
Notzo then retires upstairs for a much needed nap.
Lexus is very stressed.  She wants to hurry through her homework so that she can call Terrance back, but this particular assignment is very tough.
Mercedes and Taye enjoy the warm evening outside on the porch.  Taye plays with his block table, while Mercedes studies nectar making.
A hour or two later, Mercedes begins cooking dinner and Notzo emerges from his nap.
Not very hungry, Notzo spends dinner time working on his book.
By the time Lexus finishes her homework, its dinner time.
Notzo is still working on his book when Lexus sits down.  “So how’s the book going?” She asks, genuinely curious.

“I’m almost done with it!” Notzo says, very excited.
Lexus finishes dinner and goes to bed.  Notzo finishes and submits another chapter of his book to his agent before putting Taye into bed. 


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