
Monday, November 15, 2010

Sims 3 The Price Family (part 18)

The next morning finds Lexus and Notzo having a conversation while watching TV together.

Notzo asks Lexus about school.
Lexus reveals that she is feeling stressed because graduation is approaching and she is afraid to fail her exams.  She leaves out the bit about wanting to spend her every waking moment with Terrance.
She is curious about one thing, ”I know you love my mom, I can tell by the way you look at her.  How do you concentrate at work, when she’s on your mind?  Wouldn’t you rather be here with her all day?”
“Of course I would, but I also have a responsibility to take care of her.  Love alone doesn’t put food on the table.”
“What if you didn’t have to worry about putting food on the table?” Lexus asks.

“We both have ambitions.  Staying at home loving each other would be fine for a while, but not fulfilling our ambitions would cause strife between us as it would with any couple.”
It’s time for Notzo to leave for work.  “Can we continue this later?”  He asks.
Constance arrives as Lexus leaves for school.
Constance hopes that Taye will warm up to her.  She would hate for him to refuse to eat again today.
He seems a bit unsure when she walks into his room, but he does hold his arms out for her.
Constance picks him up.  He’s happy to be out of his crib, but he looks as if he’s wondering where his mother is.
Constance is relieved when he takes his bottle and begins to drink.
Mercedes leaves for work.  She’s surprised to get a call from Bunny. “I loved what you did for me last night.  Could you come over today and give me a total makeover?”
Mercedes heads over to Bunny’s house.
“I’m looking for the whole package…new hair, makeup and wardrobe.”
“I’m thinking a short cut would look great on you!” Mercedes suggests.

Bunny is not too sure about short hair, but she trusts Mercedes’ stylist skills.
Mercedes puts the finishing touches on Bunny’s new look.
“Are you ready to see your new hair cut?” Mercedes asks.
Mercedes holds up a mirror and Bunny takes a look.  She is shocked but not devastated.  She just has to get used to such a dramatic change.
At school, Lexus is still struggling trying to balance her assignments and her desire to be with Terrance.
After school, he invites her to his house.  “I have to work,”  she reluctantly answers. 

Terrance is a bit disappointed, but he understands.
As Terrance gets in his car and begins to pull off, Lexus makes a decision then and there…
She calls up her boss at work and quits her job.  “I just can’t bare being away from him,”  she justifies in her mind.
Lexus gets in her car and drives in the direction of Terrance's house.
She parks her car and runs up his walkway.  She cannot wait to see his face when she tells him that she now has more time to spend with him…
…but his reaction is not one that she expected. “I never intended for you to do that,” Terrance says when Lexus tells him that she quit her job.
“I thought you wanted to be with me Terrance.” Lexus says, her eyes filling with tears.

“I do Lexus, but I don’t want you to give up everything for me.  In the end, you wouldn’t be happy.”
“But I’m not happy unless I’m with you!” Lexus reveals, “I couldn’t even concentrate at work if I wanted to.”
“I’m having a hard time concentrating too, but we have to.  We are a few days away from finishing high school, we have to put that first.”
Lexus knows that Terrance is right.  
Meanwhile, notzo arrives home from work with the news that he has been promoted to lieutenant.  Taye is just happy to see his father.
Notzo changes into his athletic gear and steps up on the trampoline to get a quick workout in.
Taye walks around and explores the outdoors.
It’s getting late.  Terrance goes into the kitchen to cook a meal and his baby brother Zachery begins to cry.
Lexus spends a few minutes calming him down right before Terrance's mother arrives home.
It’s after curfew and Lexus really should be heading home, but she is starving.  Terrance offers her some mac and cheese and she cannot resist.
Lexus and Terrance are sitting at the dinner table when they hear a siren outside and a loud knock on the door…

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