
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sims 3 The Wards (part 24)

Sephora arrives at the consignment shop and runs into an old familiar face – Flora Annan.
“Hey Flora, long time no see, how’ve you been?”
 Flora walks over to shake Sephora’s hand.  “I’m doing well, what’s new with you?  How’s the family?”
 “We have a daughter now.  Her name is Zawadi.”
 “Wow, a daughter!  Congrats.  Your husband is Miles, right?  I’ve caught a few of his jam sessions in the park.”
“Yeah, he’s at the park a lot. It’s an opportunity to practice and gain a following.
 “He has picked up a pretty talented band member.  She’s pretty too.  How do you deal with that?” Flora asks.

Sephora feels that Flora is being nosey and is suddenly a bit uncomfortable with where this conversation is going.
 She ignores Flora’s question. “Well, I’m supposed to be picking out some furniture.  I’ll have to catch you later.”
 Sephora walks over to the furniture.  She sees a dining room set that she would love, but it’s too big for their small living space.
 Sephora looks at the living room furniture.  The chair is nice and comfy, she’s not too sure about the overall look of the set.  It’s a bit too vintage for her tastes.
Sephora walks over to the store clerk, “Is that all the furniture you have available?”
 “We can order other styles if you’re willing to look through our catalog.”

“Yes, that sounds good.”  Sephora says excited about checking out more possibilities.
 Sephora picks out a modest living room set and the clerk has it delivered in a few hours.  A fresh coat of paint, and the Ward home looks a lot more inviting.
Sephora moves the small dining set over to the other side of the room, creating a small dining area.  A rug and a painting completes the look.
Sephora looks over her redecorating and is very pleased with the results.
She's sure that Miles will be very happy to see the large screen TV that she picked out.  She sits down on the couch to check it out.
 Across town, Miles gets an offer to teach a music class at the Community School for the Gifted.  He takes the job for the money, but he’s not looking forward to working in a classroom full of kids.
 It turns out the class he’s teaching is for teens.  He immediately feels a lot more at ease.  Teens, he can deal with.  Miles is very engaging and the teens love the class.
It’s Zawadi’s birthday and she begins to age up.

Miles arrives home a few minutes too late to see his daughter age up to a little girl.
Zawadi hears her father return home and goes out to greet him.
“There you are big girl”, he says giving her a hug.

“Hi daddy,” Zawadi says.

 “I have a surprise for you outside,” Miles reveals.

Zawadi jumps up and down excited. “What is it daddy!  What is it!”
Outside is a brand new bike for ZawadiZawadi is very excited.  She gives it a few test runs up and down the street.
When she returns, a brand new big girl bedroom awaits Zawadi.  Her new room fits her personality with her animal print wallpaper and a new easel that appeals to her newly developed artistic trait.
Zawadi is thrilled about her birthday gifts.
She goes outside to thank her mother and let her know how happy she is about her bedroom.
She then puts on her pajamas and gets ready to go to sleep in her newly decorated room.

Note: Zawadi's bedroom wallpaper (Woodland Baby) and dress (Paint Splashes) are available for download here:  diego2memphis studio

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