
Monday, January 17, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 18)

Destiny is never one to back down from a challenge, so she takes a deep breath and approaches Tom. “What’s up Tom?” Destiny says as he gets up from the weight machine.
He doesn’t say a word in return.  He just peers at Destiny through his dark shades.
“Hey, I’m a big fan and I just wanted to introduce myself.”
“Don’t waste your time shorty.  I won’t remember you.”  Tom says in more of a grunt.
“I beg to differ.  I can guarantee that you’ll never forget me.”
“Look, I just finished working out and I’m starving, so unless your hiding two quarter pound, all beef burgers in that bra of yours, I’m not interested in whatever you’re selling.  Ya dig?”
Destiny is slightly taken aback, but she recovers quickly. He didn’t walk away, so that’s a good sign, Destiny says to herself.  “Look Tom, you know like I know that time is precious – so Imma give it to you straight.  You’re going to need me one day.”
Tom is slightly amused, yet intrigued by Destiny’s boldness.  “Come here,” she says.  He finds himself leaning in to hear what she has to say. “I have the inside scoop on your career and from what I hear it’s on its way downhill.”
Tom pulls back in anger, but the confidence in Destiny’s voice intrigues him.  Does she know something he doesn’t know?  She continues, “put me in your next video.”
“I’ll put you in a video, but it would be a private one shot at my place.”  Tom answers, after all, he has a reputation to uphold.

Destiny is shocked and insulted.  She loses her composure for a moment.
The mean side of her personality is begging to come out.  Destiny promised herself a long time ago that she would never let another man disrespect her. “Look Wordy, I’m the last person you need to be disrespecting.  Your career is going down in the dumps.  Fans are ready to basically boycott your next CD.  You need me!”
She has Tom’s ear.   Apparently he has also heard the rumors. “So how can you help my career?”
Destiny smiles. “I thought you’d never ask.  I work with director Alan Stanley, who is looking for a writer to write a movie especially for me.  I’m becoming really well known.  Put me in your next video and I can guarantee you a new fan base.”
Destiny is pleased because Tom actually looks impressed.
Destiny is sure that she has captured Tom’s attention, until he says, “I’ll think about it.”
Destiny takes this as his way of blowing her off again.  Her disappointment is clearly visible on her face.
Tom notices her expression.  “No shorty, I really mean it.  I’ve got my eye on you.  I like your style.”
Destiny is pleased.
“Can I add just one little thing?” Destiny says.
“Don’t push it girl.” Tom says shortly.  Destiny can tell that he is in a grumpy mood and she has yet to totally impress him, so she leaves it alone for now.
“I’ll catch you a little later.” Destiny says taking the hint.
Tom grunts in response.
Tom continues to stare at Destiny.  Destiny hopes it’s because he’s still considering her for his next video.  She decides to approach him again later, if he’s still here after her workout.
She walks over to the treadmill and starts out with a slow walk.  She’s excited, because she knows that if she can get in a Tom Wordy video, her career will take off like a rocket.  She just hopes that she can break his tough exterior and make him see her value.

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