
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sims 3: The Deans (part 14)

Antwain wakes up from a sleep plagued with dreams.
Lately, the majority of his thoughts have centered around his career and relationship with Tania.  He loves them both, but something is not syncing.
As the warm steamy water cascades down his body, clearing his mind, he realizes exactly what he needs to do.
He’ll propose to Tania…very soon, maybe even tonight.
Antwain grabs a breakfast smoothie, but can barely taste it’s contents as his mind weaves out plans for his proposal to Tania.  He affirms and dismisses ideas as quickly as fluctuating stock prices.  This proposal has to be perfect.
On his way to work, his mind still making plans, Antwain asks the carpool driver for her opinion of some of his plans.  “I would be in heaven if my man planned as carefully as you are.  This must be a very special woman,” she answers.
“Special indeed,” Antwain thinks as he rushes to work, planning his outfit for tonight’s proposal.
Tania wakes up to a very exciting opportunity a few hours later.  An editor for National Simographic, a very successful magazine, wants her to do a photographic exposé of the secret underground passages in France.  She quickly accepts and is scheduled to fly to France tonight.
Tania’s excitement tapers when she remembers that she’ll have to tell Antwain.  He may not be so happy that she would have to leave right away to take advantage of this opportunity.
While cracking an egg for her pancakes, she thinks about what being in this relationship might mean for her career.  Can she balance Antwain and a career as a successful photographer?
If not, which should she choose?  Her heart breaks slightly, because she realizes that if it came down to it, there is no choice.  Her heart has centered around photography for as long as she can remember.
If for some reason, Antwain did not want her to go, she knows that she would anyway.  Even if it costs her the relationship.
She feels sick just thinking about it.  Her prayer is that it doesn’t come to that.
Suddenly Tania’s perfect pancakes are about as appetizing as a plate of tire rubber.  Her stomach is too full of anxiety, excitement and more anxiety.
She washes the uneaten pancakes down the drain, knowing there’s no place for them right now.  She needs to get out of the house to think.
Tania hops in her car and takes a few spins around the block to build up her courage while waiting for Antwain to arrive home.
Meanwhile, Antwain arrives home with flawless plans for the perfect proposal in mind.

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