
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 22)

Drake’s morning starts out rough.  He gets stuck in the elevator attempting to catch his carpool on time.
Lying there on the floor, he can hear the carpool driver blowing the horn outside but considers taking the elevator back upstairs and getting back in bed. 
He takes a bit too long making his decision and ends up missing the carpool all together.  He takes the subway and arrives late for his shift.
Destiny finishes work for the day.  Putting in extra effort at work has exhausted her.  She is ready to go home and go to bed.
Destiny drags herself to the elevator.  She doesn’t even stop at the mailbox to pay the bills.  They will have to wait, right now her only destination is her warm bed.
Destiny considers taking a warm shower to calm her nerves, but the bathroom is filthy and the shower is broken leaving puddles all over the floor.
Now that she is moving up in her career, it’s time to hire a maid.  After all, true stars would never be caught dead doing housework.  
Destiny calls and hires a maid and a repairman. 
Knowing that the housework will be taken care of, Destiny heads to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.
Destiny doesn’t even make it to the kitchen before her cell phone rings.  It’s Alan Stanley and he’s downstairs in the lobby asking to come up and see her.
Drake arrives home just as Destiny sits down to scarf down a bite to eat before Alan makes it to the top floor.
Just as she finishes, Alan enters the apartment.  “Alan, I’m so surprised that you’re here.  What’s going on?”  Destiny isn’t sure whether to be worried or whether to expect good news.
“Sorry to drop by like this, but I had a bit of news that I wanted to give you in person.”

Destiny is so sleepy that she has to consciously use all of her effort to stay awake.
“So what brings you here Alan?”  Destiny is happy to see him, but can’t help but wish that he had chosen a better time to come by.  She’s also impatient to know what brings him here.
“I just had to tell you that I receive a call from Tom Wordy’s agent.  Tom wants me to direct his next video and guess who he wants to be the co-star…you!”
Destiny is excited.  She actually managed to impress Tom enough for him to put her in his next video.

“They are going for a sort of outta this world theme for the video.”  Alan continues.
“You mean like a Sim Trek sort of thing?”  Destiny has no desire to dress up as some sort of alien.
“He doesn’t want me to be an alien, does he?”  Destiny asks slightly concerned.
“No, no, nothing like that.  He’s going for a futuristic model look for you.  I’m talking head to toe gorgeous.”
Alan continues, “So is this something you think you’ll be interested in?”
“Of course Alan!”  Destiny can just see her career skyrocketing after being in a video with Tom Wordy.  “So when will this happen?”
“Well we’re still working out the logistics, but I think we can begin shooting before the end of the year.”

“Yes! “ Destiny says excited, but Drake is not very excited.  In fact he is beginning to be worried about what an opportunity like this would do to their relationship.  What if Tom decides that he wants Destiny for himself?
“Thank you so much for letting me know ahead of time!”  Destiny says.

“I’ve gotta go kid,” Alan says, “This is just the beginning of great things coming your way!”  Destiny is thrilled, but Drake is feeling insecure.

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