
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sims 3: The Deans (part 23)

Antwain can hardly contain himself as he hears Tania turn her key in the door. 
Seeing her beautiful face appear at the top of the stairs is like seeing the sunrise for the first time.  No time is wasted before they are locked together in a kiss.
“I missed you so much!  All I could think about was getting back here and feeling your arms around me!”  Tania says breathlessly.
“Oh Tania!  I could barely sleep or eat, I was so worried about you.  I missed you too!” Antwain responds.
Tania feels that now is the time to reveal her ordeal in the mansion.  Antwain face is distorted with concern as Tania tells him of her brush with death.
“You should have told me!  I would have been on the next available flight to join you.”

“I know, but I was fine.  I didn’t want you to miss work because of my stupidity and carelessness.”
Antwain is slightly upset, “ Don’t ever put your concern for my job ahead of yourself! There’s no choice when it comes to you and my job.  I would have wanted to be there with you!”
“I’m sorry Antwain,” Tania says with a tone of guilt, because she was willing to put her job before Antwain only days ago.

He misreads her change in tone and smiles, “Don’t worry about it.  You’re here now and that’s all that matters to me.”
He then pulls her close and whispers in her ear,  “I have something to ask you.”
While Tania was away, Antwain decided that all of his planning before she left was foolish.  He should have just asked what he wanted to ask.  Tania can feel the nervous sweat that coats his hands.
“What is it Antwain?”  She asks concerned by his sudden anxiety.
Her eyes follow his as he drops down to one knee.  This traditional pose brings tears to her eyes.
Antwain reaches into his pocket and fumbles around a minute before he is able to pull the ring box out of his pocket.
Finally he has it in hand.  He pauses for a moment and tries to will his nervous pulse into calming.
“There comes a time in a man’s life…um…”Antwain begins with a speech he’s been rehearsing the whole time Tania was away.  Then he changes his mind, ”Never mind that…will you marry me?”
Tania is mesmerized by that the brilliance of the ring.  Its glow shines in Antwain’s eyes.
Antwain holds the ring out while Tania just stares.  “Um…Tania, will you marry me?” Antwain asks again, concerned and thinking that he should have gone with the prepared speech after all. 
“Of course I’ll marry you,” Tania finally answers and accepts Antwain’s ring.  The ring is so beautiful that Tania would love to pull out her camera and snap a picture, but realizes that it might ruin the moment.
While Tania stares at the ring, Antwain is pleased by her reaction. 
He stands and Tania rushes into his arms.
Tania holds Antwain close, but doesn’t say anything. 
Antwain follows her lead, keeps quiet and just allows himself to live in this moment.
Tania pulls away and meets Antwain’s eyes with her own.  Again, they keep silent, but their locked eyes say so much.

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