
Friday, March 18, 2011

Sims 3: The Deans (part 25)

The burglar alarm does more than just scare the burglar and alert the police; it also wakes the spirit of Tania’s brother George III.
George senses that something is wrong with his sister.  He wants nothing more than to make sure she is safe.
Meanwhile, the cops finally arrive, but the burglar is long gone.
Antwain lets the cop know that nothing was taken, but the burglar escaped.
The cop is impressed when Antwain tells how Tania was able to stop the burglar in his tracks.
“I’m sorry that we weren’t able to catch him this time, but he’ll mess up soon enough,” the cop assures Antwain.
Tania is already in bed when Antwain finishes talking to the cop.
They try to get romantic, but both are too tired after their encounter with the burglar.  They decide to get some much needed rest instead.
Tania wakes in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Instead she finds herself face to face with the spirit of her dead brother.
“You’re not here,” Tania attempts to convince herself; blaming this hallucination on jet-lag.
Tania closes her tear filled eyes.  “I miss him so much that I’m seeing things.”
Tania opens her eyes, expecting what she thinks is a hallucination to be gone, but George III is still standing there.
She turns and faces the wall.  “When I turn around, he won’t be here,” she tries to convince herself.
When George’s ghost does not go away, Tania’s brain finally conveys to the rest of her body that she should be afraid…very afraid.
Without looking back, Tania runs out of the bathroom terrified.
George III’s spirit stands for a few moments hoping that Tania will return.
Tania doesn’t stop running until she is back in her bedroom.  “Did I just see George?”  Tania asks.  Realizing without a doubt that he’s really here in her house, she suddenly feels a strong urge to see him again.
Just as quickly as she left, Tania rushes back into the bathroom.  “George, I’ve missed you so much!”  She calls…
…but George III is gone.
“Oh baby brother…please come back!”  Tania whispers quietly.

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