
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sims 3 The Wards (part 34)

First chapter featuring the Generations expansion pack!

Zawadi wakes up the next morning and gets ready for school.  She really does like school, but just cannot understand why she always ends up staring out of the window daydreaming or doodling when her teacher is teaching.
Once again, she is the first up.  Times like this, she really wishes she had someone to play with.  Mornings can be so lonely.
Zawadi makes herself a bowl of cereal.  She pauses when she hears someone moving around in her parent’s room.  This means that one of them is awake early this morning.  She really hopes it’s her daddy.
Miles is still sleeping from working late last night.  Sephora gets out of bed.  She wants to make sure that Zawadi does not try to leave for school without her signed note to her teacher.
Zawadi is still eating breakfast when Sephora enters the room.
The school bus arrives.  “Don’t forget to give that note to your teacher!”  Sephora reminds Zawadi.
Sephora begins preparing organic waffles for breakfast; praying that Zawadi has a better day at school.
Miles and Sephora are at the table eating their waffles. “I’m concerned about Zawadi,” Sephora begins.  “Her teacher says that she’s distracted at school.  When I asked Zawadi about it, she only wanted to know where you were.”
Zawadi knows that I work late.  That was her attempt at avoiding the subject.  Can we talk about this later?  I’m due at the park,” Miles answers.
Miles leaves for work on his bike; amused at how Zawadi seems to be able to easily manipulate Sephora. He reminds himself to talk to Zawadi about that soon.
Zawadi arrives home from school.  She sees that her mother is very busy, but apparently not too busy to ask her about school.  “Any notes from your teacher?”

“No mommy,” Zawadi answers.
Zawadi finds that she is happiest when painting at her easel.
Sephora finishes another sculpture and stands back admiring her work.  This one should bring in a lot of money, she thinks to herself.
As the sun sets, Zawadi puts finishing touches on her painting.
Sephora prepares her sculpture to be sold at the consignment shop.  Then she goes to work preparing sushi for dinner. 
It’s almost too dark to see when Zawadi finally finishes her painting.  If only she could spend her days creating rather than sitting in the classroom listening to her boring teacher.
Sephora and Zawadi sit down for yet another dinner alone without Miles.  Sephora cannot help but think about how Miles being gone so much must affect Zawadi.
“Remember when you asked me about daddy yesterday?  You asked me where he was…you do know that daddy wants to be here with us but he has to work so we can have food to eat.”
“I know mommy.”

“Well…why did you ask me that?”
Zawadi stops and thinks for a moment.  “No reason,” she says.  “I just miss him sometimes.”
“Me too,” Sephora admits.

“Can I go to bed now?” Zawadi asks, suddenly feeling very tired.
Sephora excuses Zawadi; admitting to herself that it does feel lonely around the house without Miles there.
Zawadi peers out of her bedroom, hoping that she hasn’t made her mother sad by asking about her dad so much.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sims 3 The Wards (part 33)

Zawadi arrives home and begins her homework.  To avoid facing her mother right away, Zawadi put the note from her teacher on the kitchen counter, half concealed by the food processor, hoping that her mother will not find it right away.
Zawadi finds herself bored with her lesson.  Her teacher insists on giving them page after page of addition problems and Zawadi does not feel like doing them.  She would much rather spend her time outside painting or playing.
It’s dinner time and Sephora is already at the table.  Zawadi keeps an eye on her mother for any sign that she may have found the note that she hid.
Zawadi begins to eat her mac and cheese; relieved that her mother has not mentioned the note.  She prays that her mother will never find it.
No such luck. “Zawadi, why did I find a note from your teacher under the food processor?”
Suddenly Zawadi becomes very interested in her meal.  Surely her mother does not expect her to answer with her mouth full.
“Zawadi!” Sephora says in her ‘I’m not playing’ voice.

“My teacher hates me!  I need a new one,” Zawadi answers, angry that her teacher sent the note home.
“Your teacher does not hate you.  The note said that you are a good student, but you are distracted.”

“Oh…well I’m distracted by her because she is so mean.”
“I’ve met your teacher and she is not mean.  What is going on?  Are you getting enough sleep at night?”
“Where’s daddy?  Why isn’t he ever home?” Zawadi says in an attempt to change the subject
Zawadi’s statement reveals a lot to Sephora.  Maybe Zawadi is distracted because Miles has to work such late hours?  Sephora thinks to herself.
“Finish your food,” Sephora orders, avoiding the question.
Sephora goes outside to work on a statue, but her mind is on Zawadi and Miles. 
Miles is gone a lot; often working in the park for tips before working long hours at the theatre.  He has to work to provide for the family, but what if it really is affecting our daughter?  If it is, how can I bring it up? Sephora asks herself.
Zawadi joins her mother outside to start another painting.  Sephora never answered her.  Zawadi cannot help but believe that her mother did not like her question.
After some time with Zawadi quietly working on her painting and Sephora not speaking while chiseling out her newest statue, Sephora breaks the silence with an order,  “Go to bed Zawadi.”
A figure begins to appear within Sephora’s block of stone.  It appears to be a man that is deep in thought which fits Sephora’s current mood perfectly.
Across town, Miles leaves work with another promotion. 
It is late and he is exhausted, but pleased that he will be making a bit more money to support his wife and daughter.
He stretches and yawns thinking about how he would also like to begin saving money for a car or motorcycle.  If he is to be a star and make a name for himself, he cannot continue riding around on a bicycle.
However, he knows that Sephora with her ‘save the planet’ philosophy will not be too pleased with Miles buying a energy burning vehicle, but it’s a battle that he’s willing to fight.

Sims 3 The Wards (part 32)

Zawadi wakes the next morning and runs for the bus.
Miles joins her outside and decides to call for an impromptu band practice.  He calls Patty up and pulls out his guitar.
Although Miles is moving up in his career at the theatre and is happy to receive a steady income, part of him would love to focus on his band full-time.
Inside, Sephora wakes and begins her day making the beds and tidying up the house.
A quick shower later and Sephora is out in her garden. 
Pleased with the progress of her developing gardening skill, she bends down to get dirty, pulling weeds and tending her plants.
Meanwhile, Zawadi completes her school day and runs for the bus. 
She leans back and slides down in her seat with a sigh.  She has received a note from her teaching saying that she has been distracted in class and is not completing her homework.  Zawadi is not looking forward to giving her parents the note.
Patty finally arrives for their band practice, but her heart is not in it.  She has something that she needs to tell Miles.
“Not bad, but you seemed to be a little off today Patty.  Is something wrong?” Miles asks noticing the change in her guitar playing.
“Well…I didn’t actually come here to practice, I had something that I needed to tell you.”
“What’s up?”  Miles asks already not liking what he is about to hear.

“I came to tell you that I’ve joined another band.”
“How will you manage playing in two bands?” Miles says, not really getting what Patty is trying to tell him.
“Miles…I will only be in one band.  I am quitting this band.”

Patty’s words hits Miles like a brick.
“Why Patty?  I thought we had a good thing going.”
“That’s just it…we have nothing going! We have made no money or gotten any gigs, I can’t keep doing this.”
“Yeah, but I’m working on that.  Don’t you think I want to make money also?”
“I don’t have time to wait!  The band I’ve joined already has gigs booked…one after the other.  I can’t wait with you…you have too many other obligations.” Patty says in a voice close to shouting.
“Don’t you dare blame my family Patty!  If you want to leave, then just go!” Miles says insulted by what Patty is insinuating.
“Goodbye Miles.  I had hoped that we could remain friends,” Patty says as she walks away.

Miles is too angry and hurt to even consider being Patty’s friend.
All Miles can see is his dream being shattered.  How can my band fail before it has even started?  He asks himself.
Sephora is inside tasting the mac and cheese that she has prepared for lunch. 
“Not bad!” She says out loud; happy with the results.
Miles walks up close behind her and grabs her hand.  She is startled until she realizes who it is.
There is no mistaking the look of failure on Miles’ face.  Sephora sees it right away.  “What is it Miles?” She asks.
“Patty has quit on me,” Miles says.

Sephora knows that having a band has been Miles’ dream for a long time.  She places a hand on his arm in comfort. “I’m sorry babe.”
“But…you know you don’t need a band to succeed, Miles. You are talented enough to be your own band,” she says hoping that her words offer him comfort. “Now you can perform anytime you want without being worried about the problems that come with having a band.”
Miles pulls Sephora close.  “Thank you,” he whispers. 

Sephora knows that her words has hit their mark.
Still, Miles cannot help but feel that he has failed his family.  His dream was to keep working at the theatre until he gained enough of a following to quit and concentrate on the band.  Now that it didn’t work out, part of his goal is shattered.
Sephora on the other hand is slightly relieved, knowing that inside, she never fully trusted Patty around her husband.
“I love you!” Miles whispers.

“I love you more!” Sephora responds trying to hide the relief in her voice.
Sephora goes back to preparing her meal…
…while Miles runs out the door to go to work.