
Monday, June 27, 2011

Sims 3 The Wards (part 33)

Zawadi arrives home and begins her homework.  To avoid facing her mother right away, Zawadi put the note from her teacher on the kitchen counter, half concealed by the food processor, hoping that her mother will not find it right away.
Zawadi finds herself bored with her lesson.  Her teacher insists on giving them page after page of addition problems and Zawadi does not feel like doing them.  She would much rather spend her time outside painting or playing.
It’s dinner time and Sephora is already at the table.  Zawadi keeps an eye on her mother for any sign that she may have found the note that she hid.
Zawadi begins to eat her mac and cheese; relieved that her mother has not mentioned the note.  She prays that her mother will never find it.
No such luck. “Zawadi, why did I find a note from your teacher under the food processor?”
Suddenly Zawadi becomes very interested in her meal.  Surely her mother does not expect her to answer with her mouth full.
“Zawadi!” Sephora says in her ‘I’m not playing’ voice.

“My teacher hates me!  I need a new one,” Zawadi answers, angry that her teacher sent the note home.
“Your teacher does not hate you.  The note said that you are a good student, but you are distracted.”

“Oh…well I’m distracted by her because she is so mean.”
“I’ve met your teacher and she is not mean.  What is going on?  Are you getting enough sleep at night?”
“Where’s daddy?  Why isn’t he ever home?” Zawadi says in an attempt to change the subject
Zawadi’s statement reveals a lot to Sephora.  Maybe Zawadi is distracted because Miles has to work such late hours?  Sephora thinks to herself.
“Finish your food,” Sephora orders, avoiding the question.
Sephora goes outside to work on a statue, but her mind is on Zawadi and Miles. 
Miles is gone a lot; often working in the park for tips before working long hours at the theatre.  He has to work to provide for the family, but what if it really is affecting our daughter?  If it is, how can I bring it up? Sephora asks herself.
Zawadi joins her mother outside to start another painting.  Sephora never answered her.  Zawadi cannot help but believe that her mother did not like her question.
After some time with Zawadi quietly working on her painting and Sephora not speaking while chiseling out her newest statue, Sephora breaks the silence with an order,  “Go to bed Zawadi.”
A figure begins to appear within Sephora’s block of stone.  It appears to be a man that is deep in thought which fits Sephora’s current mood perfectly.
Across town, Miles leaves work with another promotion. 
It is late and he is exhausted, but pleased that he will be making a bit more money to support his wife and daughter.
He stretches and yawns thinking about how he would also like to begin saving money for a car or motorcycle.  If he is to be a star and make a name for himself, he cannot continue riding around on a bicycle.
However, he knows that Sephora with her ‘save the planet’ philosophy will not be too pleased with Miles buying a energy burning vehicle, but it’s a battle that he’s willing to fight.

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