
Monday, July 11, 2011

Sims 3 The Wards (part 35)

Zawadi leaves her room and re-enters the kitchen.  Sephora is so deep in thought, that she doesn’t even realize that Zawadi is there.
Sephora is afraid that Zawadi is feeling the effects of being an only child; something that she can definitely relate to, as an only child herself.
The problem is that Miles never wanted children.  How could she even mention another child, without putting him on edge?
Sephora turns and is startled to see Zawadi standing behind her.  “Zawadi, you scared me!  What are you doing up?”

“I’m sorry mommy!”
“I wanted you to read me a bedtime story,” Zawadi continues.
As Sephora is about to answer, she feels a wave of nausea. She takes a moment to catch her breathe, “Go back to bed, I’ll be there in a moment,” she answers holding back her feelings of sickness.
As Zawadi returns to her room, Sephora rushes to the bathroom just in time. 
She flushes the toilet; feeling mixed feelings.  Could she be pregnant again?  Or did the sushi get to her?  If it’s the former, how would Miles react?
Another child would be great for Zawadi, but what would it do for her marriage?  Sephora never knew that things could become so complicated when it comes to the well-being of her child.
Sephora grabs a book off of Zawadi’s desk and sits down on the bed, where Zawadi is patiently waiting for her story.
Zawadi tries to stay awake, but the soothing sound of her mother’s voice slowly lulls her to sleep.  She fights to keep her heavy eyelids open.
Sephora notices that Zawadi is fighting sleep. She helps her along by lowering her voice even further.
Zawadi opens her eyes one last time, but there is no use…
…her head falls back with a soft thump and she is fast asleep.  Sephora tucks her in, kisses her softly on the forehead and leaves the room.
Sephora stands next to Zawadi’s door, once again deep in thought.  One particular thought crosses her mind, although it scares her, …please let me be pregnant, she thinks to herself, afraid to say it out loud.

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