
Monday, July 11, 2011

Sims 3 The Wards (part 37)

Zawadi, sure that her mother has not made it home yet, decides to skip her homework and watch TV instead.
Sephora has in fact made it home, but she is in her garden tending her vegetables.
The house is quiet and before she knows it, Zawadi is asleep once again.
Miles arrives home from the office party where he played a pretty good set.  He hears Sephora out in her garden. He walks around to the side of the house to join her.
“I’m sorry that I cut you short the other morning.  You were telling me that you’re concerned about Zawadi,” Miles begins.

“Yeah, she’s been on my mind a lot lately.  Especially after her teacher sent a note home saying that she’s distracted at school.”
“What do you think is going on with her?” Miles asks concerned that Zawadi is getting notes home from school.

“Well, when I asked her, she only wanted to know where you were.”
Sephora continues, “I didn’t know how to approach you with this.  We both know that you have to work.”
“I really don’t know what else I can do.  Like you said, I have to work and playing in the park before work helps to keep our heads above water.”
Zawadi slowly wakes up from her nap. 
She stretches and yawns her drowsiness away.
It takes her a few moments to realize that she is alone in the house.  “Where’s mommy?”  She asks out loud.
“Well…Miles…I believe that part of the problem is that she is…an only child,” Sephora says hesitating between the words.
Miles doesn’t respond so Sephora continues, “I’m concerned that she spends so much time alone.  She needs someone to play with.”
Sephora’s words instantly make Miles uncomfortable.  “Are you implying that we should try for another baby?”  Mile’s voice is slightly agitated, even though he is trying hard to keep his cool.
Zawadi walks outside to see if her mother’s bike is in the bike rack.  She is excited to see not only her mother’s, but her father’s bike.  As she walks further out the door, she can hear their voices coming from the garden.
“But what if it is for Zawadi’s good?  I know what it’s like to be an only child,” Sephora says as Zawadi peeks around the corner.
Sephora continues, “We have to think about our daughter and put our own feelings aside.”
“I do that everyday Sephora!  You know I never liked or wanted children!” 
Zawadi inhales and as she hears her fathers words.  Daddy never wanted children? Tears sting her eyes as the words sink in.
Is that why he’s never around?  He does not want me? Those two questions run through Zawadi’s mind as the tears begin to flow.

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