
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sims 3 The Wards (part 40)

Zawadi has aged up to a teen with the rebellious trait.
She walks into her bedroom to check out her gift – a bedroom makeover.
She misses her old wallpaper and childhood things, but approves of the new grown-up room.
She glances over her shoulder at her desk.  The only thing that she didn’t get was a computer.
She sighs and thinks to herself that she’ll try to beg her mom for one later.
Zawadi takes a look in her mirror and decides that the straight hair look is just not for her.  She adds a little moisture to her hair and it soon fluffs back up into its normal kinky curly appearance.
Her party guests have long gone, but Zawadi changes into one of her newer swimsuits and heads outside to enjoy a few more slides on her waterslide.  Her father is outside and appears to be waiting for her.  Involuntarily, her mind flashes back to the conversation she overhead the other day and she feels a tinge of hurt all over again.
“I was hoping you would come back out.  I had something else for you, but your mom doesn’t know that I bought it,” Miles begins in a loud whisper.
“I snuck and bought this at the last minute,” he continues pulling out a wrapped present.

“Really?”  Zawadi says in shocked disbelief.  Why would daddy go out of his way if he did not love me? She asks herself silently.
“What is it?”Zawadi asks once again momentarily forgetting all about being hurt and angry.

“It’s a video camera,” Miles answers, “I hope you like it!”
Zawadi is touched at her father’s kind gesture.  She knew in her heart that what she heard could not be right.  How could she have thought that her father did not want her?
“I am very proud of the young lady that you have become and I want you to know that I love you very much,” Miles says eliminating any doubt that Zawadi could ever have.
Miles then grabs Zawadi into a hug.  “Happy birthday!” He whispers in her ear.
“Thank you daddy!” Zawadi says feeling once again like the little girl who absolutely adored her dad.
Feeling extremely tired and happy, Zawadi is ready to call it a night.
She is excited that she finally got the loft bed that she has wanted for a while. 
She crawls into her bed, fluffs up her pillow and snuggles under her covers.
She falls asleep with a smile on her face, now that she is assured that her father does indeed love her.

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