
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sims 3 The Wards (part 42)

It’s the weekend.  Zawadi is glad to have a day off school, but she is sure that her both of her parents are going to spend the whole day working.
She climbs down from her bed, trying to decide in her head what to do today.
Another lonely breakfast puts Zawadi in a foul mood.  “Why didn’t my parents give me a sister to hang out with?” Zawadi asks herself out loud; thinking that it was selfish of her parents to stop at one child.
She remembers the conversation between her parents that she overheard when she was little. Just the thought puts her in a rebellious mood. 
Zawadi walks outside and finds her mom in the front yard. 
“Mom, I’m bored.  Can we go to the mainland and do some shopping?”
Zawadi, I have to finish my statue.  Why don’t you ride your bike to the park or something?”
“Mom! I’m not a little kid.  I don’t want to go to the park!” Zawadi says in a annoyed voice.

“Well, go to the library.  I have to work.”
“All you two do is work!” Zawadi says.

Zawadi!  Watch your tone!” Sephora scolds.
“Forget it!  I’ll do something else!” Zawadi says, storming off in a huff.
Zawadi knows that she should not be mad at her parents, but she can’t help it.  She walks down the hill thinking about all the rebellious things she should do right now.
She thinks about playing a bit of ding dong ditch…
Or maybe I should go and egg someone’s house, Zawadi thinks to herself.
Thinking about doing these things is humorous to her, but she knows that she could never work up the nerve to actually do them. Besides that, it’s never any fun to do those type of things alone.
As she continues walking, she sees her dad riding by on his bike, presumably on his way to the park to play for tips.  “Everything is more important than me!” Zawadi says in a voice, not quite loud enough for him to hear, that gets drowned out by the wind.
Just watching her dad ride off makes her mad all over again!  I’ll find a way to the mainland on my own, she says trying to think of ways to get back at her parents for working so much.
As she approaches the new construction at the end of her block, she sees that a family has finally moved in.  A teenage boy captures her attention.