
Friday, August 26, 2011

Sims 3: The Deans (part 32)

Tatiana visits the river to do some fishing, but decides against it when her back begins to bother her.
She decides to go on a leisurely walk instead.
Before she knows it, she’s at the bar ordering a drink.
As she grabs her glass, she thinks back to her conversation with Tania; praying that Tania follows her advice about exhuming  George III’s body and having it buried at the cemetery. It’s the only way that Tania will let George III’s spirit finally rest in peace.
Meanwhile, Tania is standing outside her parents’ home. 
Her father George Jr. let’s her in.  “What’s going on Tania?  You’re not having second thoughts about marrying Antwain are you?” He asks, concerned about his daughter.

“No,” Tania answers.  “I just wanted to talk to mom for a moment.”
Bianca walks over.  “Is everything ok with mom and the wedding?” She asks, also concerned.
“All of that is fine.  Mom…I’ve been seeing George III,” Tania answers.

Bianca is not sure whether Tania is joking or not.
“How do you mean?” Bianca asks to make sure she heard right.

“His spirit has been haunting my house,” Tania answers.
Bianca has a slight smile on her face, but it’s there to hide her concern.  As much as she would love to see her son again, she knows that it can’t be a good thing that his spirit is hanging around.

“Gran says that I should move his body to the cemetery, but part of me doesn’t want to.”
“What do you think mom?”

Bianca takes a moment to ponder the question, before responding.  Finally she answers, ”Gran is right.”

Tania hangs her head because it’s not the answer that she’s looking for.  She thought her mom would be happy that George III’s spirit is around watching over them.
“OK,” Tania answers attempting to keep her emotions under control; unsure if she can say goodbye to her brother all over again.
Tatiana is the first one up the next morning; the morning of Tania and Antwain’s wedding.
She cleans up the mess left by the broken dishwasher before calling a repairman to repair it.
She takes a look around to make sure everything is in order for her granddaughter’s wedding.
Antwain is also up early, trying hard to suppress his nervousness.  Today is the day he marries the love of his life.
However, Tania is the most nervous this morning.
Her stomach is queasy with anxiety.
She holds her hand up and takes a look at her ring.  “I can’t believe today is the day,” she says out loud.

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