
Friday, September 2, 2011

Sims 3: Athena Sparks

Meet Athena Sparks, created especially for Hidden Springs.

Athena is a shy, clumsy, nurturing bookworm who aspires to become a professional writer. This hopeless romantic has her eye on a particular guy, but too often allows the introvert in her to block any chance she may have to pursue him. Can she ever get passed her shyness, tap into her natural beauty and capture the heart of the man of her dream?

My whole purpose for moving to Hidden Springs was to escape craziness.  Instead, I moved into crazy’s backyard.  Only this isn’t the bad, chaotic sort of crazy.  This craziness makes me feel good…at least when I get to see him…
His name is Desmond and it is absolutely crazy how in love with him I am.  Why?  Because he doesn’t even know I exist.  Want even more proof of the lunacy of the situation…I’m crazy enough to think that I’d ever have a chance with him.
I see him from time to time when he passes my house in taxis.  I can only guess where he may be going. 
Would you think that I’m totally out of my mind if I told you that I sometimes hide behind the bushes in front of my house so that I can get a good view of him without him knowing? 
It’s okay if you think so, because I sometimes think so.  “What is wrong with you Athena?”  I ask myself after he has passed by and I stand up brushing the branches and leaves out of my hair.
What makes my story even sadder is that I can look all I want, but I’m too afraid to even speak to him. I’m just a shy, thirty-something, wanna be writer, living in a small shack in the middle of the woods.
I’ve been told that I’m attractive.  “If you just open up a little Athena and invest in some contacts, you could have any man you want!” Is what my good intentioned friends used to tell me.

Not that I don’t appreciate their advice, but just how do I change who I am?

I leave the house, heading for my favorite place when the peaceful tinkling of my wind chime catches my attention. This brings a smile to my face.  These wind chimes are the only thing that I brought with me from my past life, before I moved to Hidden Springs.
Now before you jump to conclusions, no I didn’t have some traumatic past that brought me to Hidden Springs.  I moved here to pursue my dream of becoming a writer.  So yes, I’m a cliché…an aspiring novelist who escapes to a small shack in the woods to write a bestselling novel.  Ha!  If only it was that easy.
I want to be writer, but a novel that hasn’t even begun will not pay the bills and put food on the table.  I need to get a job.  After all, I don’t even own a computer yet. A writer who can’t afford a computer…my dream is starting out just right…not. I jump into a taxi when it arrives.
As the taxi passes the local hospital, my stomach suddenly feels as if I swallowed rocks.
I can see Desmond standing right in front.  I stare as long as I can, until the taxi passes him.  I wonder what his voice sounds like.
It’s not until I completely pass the hospital that I begin to get the sensation that I am going to pass out. I realize that I’ve been holding my breath since we passed the hospital.  What is wrong with me? I ask myself as I take a breath and resupply my brain with much needed oxygen.
The taxi stops in front of the bookstore and I am finally relaxed as the bookworm in me sings with joy.
As I approach, I can see a “help wanted” sign in the window.  Perfect! I tell myself.  The bookstore is the perfect place for me to work until writing begins to bring in the dough.
The books beacon to me as I enter the store.  I wonder if Desmond likes to read.
I leave the bookstore with a new part-time job.  Now I decide to begin writing an outline for my first book.  My next stop is the library or should I say the “home for books” across the street.  No joke…that’s really what it’s called, Eloise C. Vanderbury’s Home for Books.  Eloise must have been a genius.
I walk out into the street and as always, I am overwhelmed by the beauty that is Hidden Springs; with its picturesque mountain views and breathe taking lakes and forests.
Of course this place would be beautiful…it is a tourist town.  Actually, it’s become sort of a celebrity get-a-way.
Have you ever vacationed at a gorgeous location and wondered to yourself, what lucky soul gets to live here all the time? 
Or maybe you’ve wondered…what is their life like, living in such a gorgeous place?  It must be incredible!
Well, I live in that type of town, and where do I spend most of my time…
…At the house of books.  No wonder Desmond has no idea that I’m alive.