
Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Sims 3 Hamilton & Boyd (part 27)

Destiny is in the bathroom the next morning when Drake walks in.
Without a word, he steps into the shower.  Destiny stares at him as he washes.  Realizing how close she was to giving herself to Tom last night, she feels it only fitting that she give Drake that privilege.   
As soon as she steps close and begins to remove her clothes, Drake steps out of the shower.  “I was just about to join you,” she says seductively.
She steps forward and tries to put her arms around him.  “I don’t think so,” Drake says.
“Drake, why are you doing this?” Destiny asks, floored now that the tables have turned and Drake is now rejecting her advances.
“Why am I doing what Destiny…not allowing myself to get played?”
Drake leaves the room.  Destiny proceeds to shower, before dressing and taking the elevator down to meet her carpool.
Looking around the house, Drake notices that everything is still dirty, although the maid has been coming for a few days now.
He finds her in the bedroom.  “Um…I’m wondering why we’re paying you, but our bathrooms look like a pigsty and the kitchen smells like a dirty trash bin.”
The maid stares at him as if she’s been insulted. 
“I think it’s time you go.  You’re fired!” Drake announces.
“How dare you! You can’t fire me!” The maid yells.

“I just did!” Drake reminds her.
“Your loss. There is so much more I could be doing for you,” the maid says.

Drake does not like what she is implying.  “Are all the women in this town crazy?” Drake asks out loud.
“Whatever,” the maid says walking away.
Drake stares out of the window as the maid leaves.  Why do these women think that throwing themselves at a men will get them what they want? Drake asks himself.
The house is still dirty and Drake doesn’t have time to clean it, so he pulls out his phone and calls the maid service to complain.
The maid service apologizes and promises to send a new maid soon. 
Drake goes downstairs…
…pays a few bills…
…and leaves for work.

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