
Monday, February 6, 2012

Sims 3: Athena Sparks 27

 The following days consists of me spending time with Cupid…
 …and spending the better part of the day working on Transformed Girl.  I happily receive my pay for submitting a couple of new chapters, but it’s not nearly enough to live on.
 This fact is confirmed when I check the mailbox and see the box full of bills.
 I reluctantly write checks to pay the bills, which leaves me with very little money to get by on.  Maybe I shouldn’t have quit the bookstore, I say to myself.
 While still standing by the mailbox, I make a couple of phone calls. 
 First, I call Wendell to invite him over for dinner.  “I really want to make up for the other night,” I say referring to the night when I insulted him. 
 Wendell says that he’ll be right over and that he can’t wait to see me again.
 Next I call up Lisette, just because I haven’t spoken to her in a while and because I am so happy about Wendell that I feel that I’d burst if I don’t talk to someone about him. 

“Hey Athena…I thought you’d up and left Hidden Springs since I haven’t heard from you,”
Lisette says as soon as she answers the phone.
 Lisette then goes on chatting so much about her job at the pet shop and her neighbor that I can barely get a word in.
 I patiently wait for a break in the conversation to tell her about Wendell.
 I get my chance when Lisette finally stops to breathe.  “Guess what…I met someone,” I announce.

“WHAT!!  Why didn’t you tell me?  What’s he like?  What’s his name?  What happened to Desmond?”
Lisette shrieks in one breath.
 “Uh…he’s pulling up now Lisette.  I’ll have to call you back later,” I say, hearing her disappointed sigh.

“I want details!”  she says.

 “Okay…later,” I say hurrying to get off the phone when Wendell walks up.
 Wendell approaches looking incredibly handsome.
 I look down at my own outfit and wish that I had dressed up a little more.

“You look gorgeous,” he says picking up on my self consciousness.

 “Thank you,” I answer staring at his lips wondering what they taste like.
 “I rushed right over and forgot to ask if you needed me to bring anything.  I could run to the store if you need me to,” Wendell says apologetically.
 “That’s OK.  I have everything I need,” I answer.

“You sure?”  He asks once again.

 “I’m more than sure,” I answer with more meaning than he’s probably aware of.
 “Come on in,” I say before turning to lead him into the house.
 Wendell hesitates and I can feel his eyes as they wonder all the way down to my butt. 
 As he watches, I try to add a little sex appeal to my walk while praying that I won’t trip.
 Moments later, we are sitting in front of the TV, trying to decide what to watch.
I attempt to turn the channel when suddenly the TV blows out.

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