
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sims 3: Athena Sparks 31

 I don’t give Lisette time to go off on one of her chatting tangents.  “I had the most amazing night of my life,” I begin.
 I’m guessing my intensity keeps her quiet with anticipation, because she doesn’t say a thing.  “I think I met the one,” I announce. “…at least I hope so,” I add realizing that I am being very presumptuous; knowing that there’s no guarantee that he will ever even call me again.
 Lisette…I think I’m in love,” I say.
 “It’s a miracle!”  She finally says mocking me with her hands in the air as if in prayer. 
 “I’m serious Lisette,” I say.

“I know, but what did I tell you?  I told you that you’d meet someone.”

 “So what happened?” She asks.

“Well we were going to watch TV, but it blew up on us-” I begin.

 “Get to the good part,” Lisette interrupts.

“Well…” I say, not able to keep a smile off my face.  I raise my hands to indicate that she should imply the rest.

“No way!” She says with a huge smile on her face, catching on quickly. 
 “You didn’t…did you?  You guys…woohooed?”

I nod slowly to emphasize my reply.

 Suddenly I get very serious.  Lisette, do you think he’ll call?”

“Why wouldn’t he?”

 “Well…I just met him, you know.  It was sort of soon.”

“Was it good?”  She asks as if that’ll make all the difference in the world.

 “I don’t know,” I answer softly.  “I mean, I know he was good…but I…I never…” I begin before trailing off embarrassed.
 “What?”  She asks; not quite picking up on what I’m trying to tell her.

“I…” I try again.

 “You never what, Athena?”

“I’d never
woohooed before,” I finally say.
 Lisette doesn’t respond, but she doesn’t have to.  I know she doesn’t mean to, but she stares at me as if I had four heads.  I can’t blame her, here I am…a woman in my thirties who just woohooed for the first time.

“Oh my God Athena…you were a virgin?”

“Yes,” I answer softly.

 “That’s beautiful,” she whispers as if I just told her something unreal.  “So how was your first time?”
 I’m too embarrassed to tell her out loud, so I lean in to whisper to her.
 “I should have waited until I was in my thirties to woohoo for the first time,” she whispers back after hearing my description.
 “That sounds absolutely incredible,” she says out loud as if in a dream-like trance.  “Wow!” She adds to emphasize her point.

I’m suddenly not feeling too well.  “I think I forgot to have breakfast.  I’d better go,” I say.

“Talk to you later…that is if you’re not too…busy,” she says with a giggle as I walk toward the door.

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