
Monday, February 13, 2012

Sims 3: Athena Sparks 33

 Wendell doesn’t leave and I know I can’t hide out in the bathroom forever, so I finally open the door.  Wendell is just standing there and I can’t read his expression.
 I just stare at him with worry in my eyes. 

“We weren’t careful, were we?”  He says.  I  barely shake my head, as if the lack of movement will make it less true.

 He stands quietly, I’m sure scrapping his mind for an appropriate response. 
 I decide to attempt a change in subject.  I lean in. “I’m surprised you wanted to see me again,” I whisper. 
 “Why?”  He whispers back.
 “Because we…you know…so soon,” I say.

“Girl, I’m in love with you.  I can’t stay away,” he says as if what I said was the craziest thing in the world.

 “But what if…”  I ask, bringing the conversation back to the possibility of me being pregnant.
 “We’ll cross that bridge if we have to…together,” he says.

I stare, full of love for him.

 He grabs me and pulls me close. 

“I’m so scared,” I whisper.

 “Don’t be,” he says before kissing me passionately.
 He leads me to the bedroom which is right where I want to be.  We woohoo for the second time. 
 In the middle of the night, I’m awakened by a funny feeling in my stomach.
 Again, my stomach churns with nausea.
 I rush to the bathroom, glad that Wendell is asleep and not hearing me get sick all over again.
 I end up changing my gown, because of sickness splashing.
 Hunger is the next sensation I feel.  I walk past my busted computer, the awful smoke scent intensified in my nostrils.
 I consider making breakfast, but the thought of eating actually makes me want to be sick again.  I decide on simple toast and jam.
 There’s no denying the fact that I’m most likely pregnant.  How dumb of me to get pregnant my first time woohooing.
 I fight the nausea as I finish up my toast. 
 I finally finish and manage to hold the food down. 
 I decide that a warm shower is just what I need to make myself feel better.  I take my time washing just to avoid facing Wendell again.  Despite him telling me not to worry, I can do nothing but worry.
 While in the shower, Wendell fixes my computer, which is a good thing because I can’t afford to hire a repairman and I really need to finish my book.
 He stands when I walk over after taking my bath.
 “How are you feeling?”  Wendell asks.
 “Well…I can barely hold down any food and even the slightest movements make me feel sick…I think I need to make a doctor’s appointment,” I tell him.
 I look down in shame, “I’m so sorry,” I say.

Wendell takes my hand.  “There’s nothing to be sorry about.  It takes two.”

 “I know, but how lame is it to get pregnant the first time we…” I say.

“Well, let’s just take it one step at a time.  I have to get to work, but call me as soon as you find out for sure,” Wendell says.

 I sigh.  “OK…Wendell I’m so scared,” I say.
 “Hey…listen to me,” Wendell says moving in close.  “No matter what, I’m here for you.  I love you…OK.”
 “OK,” I say in a more secure tone.

gotta go.  Don’t forget to let me know either way,” he repeats.
 “Call me,” he says one more time before saying good-bye.
 I detect hesitation as Wendell leaves out the door.  I’m sure that he hates to leave me like that, but I don’t expect him to risk getting in trouble at work to stay.
I lie down in an attempt to get a little sleep before going to the hospital, but my fatigue has been replaced with worry. 

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