
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 42)

All is well with her pregnancy so far, but Lexus wants to be sure. She decides to visit the hospital today for a check-up.
Also, she’s missing the hospital environment and cannot wait to get back to work.  She hurries and takes a quick shower.
Later she wobbles down the walkway to get into her car. 
I should have asked Terrance to drop me off, Lexus says to herself thinking about how the steering wheel brushed across her belly the whole time she tried to drive.
Lexus slowly makes her way into the hospital; silently praying that the wait isn’t too long.
Forty-five minutes later, she leaves the hospital reassured that the baby is fine.  The doctor also confirms that the baby will be coming very soon.
At home, Terrance is in full swing taking care of Ethan.
I can actually handle this, he says to himself thinking about his new job of stay at home dad; slightly surprised about his ability to take care of his son so well.
Lexus returns home and heads straight for the refrigerator. 

“How was your appointment?” Terrance asks feeling guilty that he was not by Lexus’ side during the prenatal visit.

“Good,” Lexus answers.  “Ethan may have a new sibling by the end of the night.”
As the words roll off of Lexus’ tongue, she and Terrance are hit by the reality of that; both asking themselves if they are ready to become parents for the second time so soon in their marriage.
Lexus eats quickly and begins to finish up the left-over laundry as a slight panic fills her.
Terrance is also feeling some pressure; thinking to himself that he is just now getting the hang of being Ethan’s father. 
Lexus takes a few moments to call her mom to give her the news that her second grandchild may be coming at any moment.
To take her mind off of sudden fears of being an inadequate parent, Lexus busies herself with teaching Ethan to walk.
Just as Ethan begins to take a few steps, an all too familiar sharp pain rips through her womb. “The baby’s coming!” She announces when she’s able to form the words.
Terrance calls a babysitter to come and keep an eye on Ethan while they are at the hospital.  Before long a teen sitter named Rachael arrives.
As Lexus and Terrance are leaving for the hospital, they are surprised by their neighbor Justin.  They explain the situation, telling him that now is not a good time.
Lexus’ labor contractions are coming quickly.  They hurry and enter the hospital.
A few hours later, they welcome their new son, Joshua, into the world.
Whether she is ready or not, Lexus is now a mom for the second time.

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 41)

As usual, Ethan is the first one awake early the next morning.  He plays quietly in his crib.
Lexus spends a few moments soaking in the bathtub.  With a second baby on the way, her thoughts are on her career and being able to balance work with motherhood.
 For now, she doesn’t have to worry about it.  She is covered by maternity leave.
 Still, she wonders how far into her career she could have advanced in the time that she has spent at home.
 One look at her son’s face and her doubts disappear.  She knows that she is right where she should be.
 Lexus changes Ethan’s clothes and prepares to take him downstairs for breakfast.  Ethan grabs a lock of Lexus’ hair.  Lexus chuckles at his curiosity.
Terrance is already in the kitchen preparing to cook brunch.
Lexus secures Ethan in his highchair as he continues to reach out to her.
Ethan takes a look at his baby food, dips a finger in and gives it a taste before digging in with both hands. 
Lexus answers her ringing cell phone. It’s her half-brother Clark.
“Dad has been having some health problems lately Lex.  He’s been asking to see you,” Clark informs her.

Lexus recalls the time she showed up at her father’s job to confront him about his neglecting of their relationship.  She just cannot get passed the fact that her father did not try very hard to maintain it.
“I’ll think about it Clark, but I don’t know if I’m ready to see him again.”

“I understand,” Clark says.  “I just don’t want you to have any regrets if anything should happen.”
Lexus continues talking to Clark as Terrance finishes preparing grilled cheese sandwiches.  He adds a few select spices to give them a special touch.
Lexus leaves the kitchen for more privacy as she continues her conversation; giving Clark her reasons for not being in a rush to go and visit their father.
As evening approaches, Terrance decides to take Ethan for a walk; giving Lexus private time to sort out her feelings about her father.
As evening approaches, Terrance decides to take Ethan for a walk; giving Lexus private time to sort out her feelings about her father.
Terrance takes Ethan to the park.  There he runs into his mother Amy, who’s there with his little brother and new little sister.
Terrance’s relationship with his mother was never the greatest.  She was always more interested in her boyfriends, but he really wants to develop a relationship with his brother and sister.
He spends a few moments talking to his brother Zachery before heading home.
Lexus has a few house chores that she really needs to be completing, but cannot resist a few quiet moments alone off of her swollen feet.
She can hear Terrance climbing the stairs with Ethan.
Now that the house is full again, Lexus goes back to completing her chores.
Terrance helps out by taking Ethan to the potty, before getting him ready for bed.
Lexus is tired and the baby is weighing her down.  She decides to call it a night.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 40)

 It’s a beautiful, warm evening.  Lexus is feeling a bit stir crazy, so she decides to take Ethan out for a walk.
 Ethan coos happily, enjoying the view from his stroller.
 Lexus is also enjoying the time outdoors.
 They reach the end of the driveway and turn right; proceeding down the neighborhood.
 Lexus loves the fact that Ethan will be raised in a real neighborhood and not isolated close to the swamp like she was.
 The early evening sky is beautiful.  Lexus looks around to plan out her route.
 Lexus decides to walk across the bridge where the view is breathtaking.
 The water below shimmers and shines as the moon begins to rise and reflect upon it. 
 Lexus and Ethan enjoy the view for a few moments before turning back and heading home.
 Meanwhile, Terrance wants to make his writing career official.  He heads to City Hall before it closes to register as self-employed.
 Back at home, Lexus’ pregnancy begins to show…
 …and Ethan ages up.
 Terrance arrives home, happy to see that his son has aged up well.
 Terrance holds his son close, pleased that he will now have more time to spend with him.
 Terrance lifts his hand and forms a claw.  Ethan stares wondering what his father is going to do with his bent wiggling fingers.
 Terrance uses his claw-like fingers to tickle Ethan’s tummy.  Ethan thinks it’s the funniest thing ever.
 He gives Ethan a warm bottle before bed.
 Ethan is happy and content.  Terrance takes him upstairs and places him in his crib.
Then joins Lexus in bed.