
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 42)

All is well with her pregnancy so far, but Lexus wants to be sure. She decides to visit the hospital today for a check-up.
Also, she’s missing the hospital environment and cannot wait to get back to work.  She hurries and takes a quick shower.
Later she wobbles down the walkway to get into her car. 
I should have asked Terrance to drop me off, Lexus says to herself thinking about how the steering wheel brushed across her belly the whole time she tried to drive.
Lexus slowly makes her way into the hospital; silently praying that the wait isn’t too long.
Forty-five minutes later, she leaves the hospital reassured that the baby is fine.  The doctor also confirms that the baby will be coming very soon.
At home, Terrance is in full swing taking care of Ethan.
I can actually handle this, he says to himself thinking about his new job of stay at home dad; slightly surprised about his ability to take care of his son so well.
Lexus returns home and heads straight for the refrigerator. 

“How was your appointment?” Terrance asks feeling guilty that he was not by Lexus’ side during the prenatal visit.

“Good,” Lexus answers.  “Ethan may have a new sibling by the end of the night.”
As the words roll off of Lexus’ tongue, she and Terrance are hit by the reality of that; both asking themselves if they are ready to become parents for the second time so soon in their marriage.
Lexus eats quickly and begins to finish up the left-over laundry as a slight panic fills her.
Terrance is also feeling some pressure; thinking to himself that he is just now getting the hang of being Ethan’s father. 
Lexus takes a few moments to call her mom to give her the news that her second grandchild may be coming at any moment.
To take her mind off of sudden fears of being an inadequate parent, Lexus busies herself with teaching Ethan to walk.
Just as Ethan begins to take a few steps, an all too familiar sharp pain rips through her womb. “The baby’s coming!” She announces when she’s able to form the words.
Terrance calls a babysitter to come and keep an eye on Ethan while they are at the hospital.  Before long a teen sitter named Rachael arrives.
As Lexus and Terrance are leaving for the hospital, they are surprised by their neighbor Justin.  They explain the situation, telling him that now is not a good time.
Lexus’ labor contractions are coming quickly.  They hurry and enter the hospital.
A few hours later, they welcome their new son, Joshua, into the world.
Whether she is ready or not, Lexus is now a mom for the second time.

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