
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 43)

 Despite the fact that she just delivered a baby, Lexus’ mind is not on her new son.  She’s thinking about her conversation with Clark regarding her father being sick.
 Now that she’s a mother, it boggles her mind that her father was able to turn his back on his child, his own flesh and blood and never look back.  Now he wants her sympathy.
 She walks into the nursery and looks at the two cribs; still thinking about how her own father never held her as a baby.  He never changed her diapers or gave her a bottle.  This job was all left to her mother.   
 Lexus holds her son close and whispers into his ear, “You are so blessed to have a father that loves you so much.”
 As the words leave her mouth, Lexus is overwhelmed with emotion, as the little girl in her longs for a father’s touch and kiss on the forehead.
 To make up for it, she kisses her own son on the forehead and places him in his crib.  “I love you so much,” she says before leaving the room.
 Joshua appears to understand his mother’s words as he lays there in peace; with a content expression on his little face.
 Lexus lies down to try and get some rest; despite the heaviness that she’s carrying in her heart.  Terrance takes over baby care by giving Ethan a bottle.
 After his bottle, Ethan spends some time playing with his toys.
 After he loses interest in playing, the whining begins and Terrance gets him ready for bed.  He reaches out for his father one last time before sleep takes over and he falls back on his bed.
 Before long, both babies are fast asleep.
 Lexus manages to get a few hours sleep before Joshua is up demanding his bottle.  Still in a contemplative mood, Lexus doesn’t mind the lack of sleep if it means spending time with her baby.
 Her cell phone rings.  To avoid waking everyone else up, she rushes downstairs to answer it.  Once again, it’s her brother Clark.

“Dad wanted me to call you.  He really wants to see you
Lex,” Clark says in a voice that’s close to pleading.
 “Clark, I hate that you’re in the middle of this, but I just can’t.  Please tell him that!”
 Lexus ends the call feeling bad.  She knows Clark is trying to make sure she won’t have regrets, but she doesn’t want to hear what she should be doing right now.
 Still, she knows that her mother taught her to be a forgiving person.  Isn’t it time for her to forgive her father?  She wonders if her mother has.
 She goes through it in her mind; playing out what would happen if she did go and visit her father. 
 She places Joshua back in his crib and dresses, seriously considering a visit to her father.  Just as she makes up her mind to go, all of the anger built up over the years resurfaces.
“You know what you need to do Lex,” her reflection seems to say to her.

“But I can’t,” she squeaks back.

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