
Monday, April 16, 2012

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 44)

Lexus chickens out and decides not to visit her father.  Instead, she changes back into her pajamas and crawls back in bed to get some much needed rest.
 A well rested Lexus wakes up hours later and greets her equally well rested babies.
 First she checks on Joshua.
 Once Joshua has had his diaper changed, she turns her attention to Ethan, who waits as patiently as a toddler can wait.
 She holds him close, taking in his sweet baby scent.
 Downstairs, Terrance tries out a new recipe.
 His cheese steaks come out perfect.  His mouth waters just seeing them.
 Lexus joins him downstairs, glad that she married such a great cook, because she definitely enjoys a good meal.
 Terrance, inspired by his perfectly made lunch, works on adding the recipe to his cookbook.
Lexus takes advantage of her 2nd to last day of maternity leave.  Her task…teach Ethan to walk.  She just can’t bear the idea of him taking his first steps while she’s away at work.
Her persistence pays off as Ethan takes not only his first steps, but many more.  Lexus lifts him into the air, “That’s mama’s big boy!”
Terrance, also taking advantage of the last few days before Lexus returns to work, attempts to get as much writing done as possible before his days are filled with diapers, bottles and crying toddlers.
He’ll soon have his work cut out for him, because before long, Ethan is a official toddling toddler.
Time flies and before they know it, the day is over.  Lexus reluctantly gets into bed; wishing she could make her last days of maternity leave last forever.
Terrance still has baby duties.  He goes in to check Joshua’s diaper and assist him as he ages up.
Joshua is now a cute toddler.
After Joshua is dressed for bed, Terrance attempts to get Ethan ready for bed.
Ethan decides to toddle away just as Terrance attempts to grab him.  He turns his attention to Joshua instead.
He places Joshua on the potty.  Joshua slides off and looks around as if wondering exactly what his father expects him to do on the potty.
Joshua begins to get whiny and tries to wiggle out of Terrance’s arms.  Terrance is having a hard time holding him.
Feeling a little overwhelmed, Terrance places Joshua on the floor to finish his tantrum.  He cries and cries until he poops, successfully messing up his pajamas.
Frustrated, Terrance cleans him and places him in his crib where he soon falls asleep.
Ethan is placed in his crib, but is much more reluctant to stay there.
It seems like ages, but Terrance finally manages to get both babies dressed and in bed.  For the first time, he begins to doubt his ability to be a good stay-at-home dad.
Exhausted, he passes out as soon as his head hits the pillow.

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