
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 45)

Unaware of Terrance’s struggles with bedtime last night, Lexus is up early on her last day off from work.
The babies are still asleep, so she takes care of some small household chores.
Finally, she spends some quiet time playing chess on the computer.
Her peace and solitude is soon interrupted by Joshua’s cries.
He quiets down immediately when Lexus lifts him out of the crib. “You just wanted your mama, didn’t you?” Lexus whispers.

Joshua appears to be thinking her question over.
Lexus changes Joshua’s diaper and dresses him for the day.
Joshua is placed in his highchair for the first time. He sits there looking unsure.
That is, until Lexus gives him his bottle. 
Ethan remains upstairs, fast asleep.
This allows Lexus some quality time to spend with Joshua. She attempts to teach him to speak.
However, Joshua doesn’t appear to be very interested in saying anything that Lexus instructs him to say.
With Lexus busy with Joshua, Terrance comes to Ethan’s rescue when he wakes and begins crying.
He too, sits down to perform toddler skill training.
Lexus finishes up with Joshua and quickly dials her brother Clark to see how things are going with her father.
Leaving Terrance once again in charge of bedtime.

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