
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 46)

Today is the day.  Lexus is off of maternity leave and due to return to work in a few hours.
 There are times in life, when you get exactly what you want, but when it arrives you’re unsure.  Lexus has begun her journey on the way to becoming a surgeon, but never knew it would be so tough to leave her children.
 Joshua is the only one awake when she enters the boys’ bedroom.
 She lifts him out of the crib and gives him a lingering kiss on the forehead.  He grabs her hair as if to keep her near him.  “Sorry baby, I have to go to work,” she whispers softly.
 Moments later, Lexus’ car pool drops her off in front of the hospital.
 Because she’s been on maternity leave for long, Lexus has a lot of catching up to do.  The head nurse gives Lexus a run down of all the changes that has taken place since she last worked.
 At home, Terrance drags himself about the house, sleepy, but ready to begin his first full day with the boys.
 His first task is to dress his sons. He changes Joshua into his everyday clothes, before picking Ethan up to change his.
 Next, both boys must be fed.  Terrance places each of them into their high chairs.
Terrance serves Ethan and Joshua fresh homemade baby food, and they greedily gulp it down.
Ethan and Joshua quickly finish their breakfast, barely allowing Terrance time to eat his.
Hours later, Lexus emerges from the hospital with good news.
The head nurse noticed the kind friendly approach Lexus shows the patients.  She decided to promote Lexus to bed pan cleaner.  The new position pays a bit more, but Lexus is unsure she can handle changing bed pans all day.
As soon as Lexus arrives home, she and Terrance decide to celebrate Ethan’s birthday. 
Ethan happily squeals when Lexus lifts him and takes him to his cake.
Terrance pulls out the video camera to capture the event on film.
Finally, Ethan begins to age up.
 The first thing Ethan does as a child is have a potty accident on the floor.  Lexus gasps.
“Ethan!  What happened?  You’ve been potty trained for ages,” She says a little more harshly than she intended.
“I’m sorry mommy,” he says.

“Go and get yourself cleaned up!”  Lexus says disgusted.

Ethan leaves the room ashamed.  He tried to make it to the bathroom, but he was so excited about his birthday.
Immediately Lexus feels bad.  She realizes that she had a long day and inadvertently took it out on Ethan. 

“That was a little harsh, don’t you think?” Terrance asks, making Lexus feel even worse.

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