
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 46)

Sephora walks through the living room unaware that Miles has made it home.
“Hey babe!  I have something that I need to talk to you about,” Miles says right as Sephora heads to the bedroom.

“Hey babe,”
Sephora responds in a sleepy voice.  “I didn’t know you were there.”
 “I have some really good news!” Miles begins.

This wakes
Sephora up.  “What’s going on?” She asks excited to hear good news after her long day with Zawadi.
 “Well…I got a promotion.  I’m now a lead vocalist!” Miles announces.

“Wow!  Miles that’s incredible!”
 “I know!  I already have my first concert scheduled and I have a few record deal perspectives…uh, but…”

Something in Miles’ voice makes
Sephora a little uncomfortable.
 “I…uh…was offered an advance on my first record and I took it.”

Sephora allows this to set in for a minute, before responding, “So you took money…that you haven’t even earned yet…and may never earn?”
 “Well, I have total faith that I’ll earn it and much more.”

“Miles this is so typical and I never thought of you as typical.”
 “Typical!  What do you mean typical?”

“I mean getting offered a record deal and rushing to take an advance on money you haven’t earned… that’s typical!”
 Sephora!  I’m an up and coming artist.  I needed a car.  I can’t arrive at my first concert on a bike!” Miles says much angrier at Sephora’s reaction than he thought he would be.
 “You bought a car?” Sephora asks, shocked that Miles would spend money that he doesn’t even have yet.

Sephora!  I’m a grown man who made a grown man decision.”
 “Was it a grown man decision Miles?  Really?”

Miles is so angry that he’s speechless. He knew that
Sephora would be angry, but never guessed that she would outright mock his decision.
 Miles takes a step back and stares at the woman that he has loved for a long time now, barely recognizing her. Sephora wishes she could take back her last statement; suspecting that she has crossed the line this time.
She knows that Miles is beyond angry when he walks past her into the bedroom.
 Sephora feels alienated now that both her daughter and husband are upset.
 Oblivious to the fact that she is in her pajamas, Sephora walks out into the night air to check out the car that Miles has purchased.  She expected something big and flashy, instead Miles chose something small and eco friendly.
Her heart sinks with regret, because she realizes that Miles was thinking of her when he chose this particular car.
 Next, Sephora walks around the corner to check out the family dog.  At least Zawadi will be happy when she sees her new pet.
 Sephora reenters the house and locks herself in the bathroom.  “Well…now everyone in the house hates me,” she says to herself.
 Sephora knows that she has to make things right with her family.  They cannot continue to live like this.
I can’t sit in here all night feeling sorry for myself either, she thinks to herself.
 She stands up and turns on the faucet, unaware of the prank Zawadi has set up for her.
 Sephora can barely comprehend what is happening as water shoots out of the faucet all over her.
 “Oh god!  It’s happening!” She says, believing that her fear of the sink flooding the whole house is coming true.
 Once she’s able to think clearly again, she does everything she can think of to attempt to turn off the water.  “I’m wasting precious water,” is the main thought running through her mind.
 Sephora finally manages to turn off the water, but her pajamas are soaking wet.
 “I can’t take this anymore!” Sephora yells out in a voiceless scream.
 Sephora changes out of her wet pajamas and heads to bed feeling calmer now that she has let out all of the anxious energy.
Praying that things will be better in the morning, she crawls into bed next to her husband.
Miles rolls over in his sleep and places his arm tightly around her waist.  Now feeling secure, Sephora drifts off to sleep.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 45)

 For as long as Zawadi can remember, her mother has been paranoid about the sinks in the house exploding in her face.  Still in the mist of her rebellious mood, Zawadi decides to make her mother’s fear come true. 
 She loosens the knobs on the sink just right, hoping to give her mother a nice surprise.
Oblivious to Zawadi’s prank in bathroom, Sephora cleans up the kitchen, deep in thought about Zawadi and her sudden rebellious behavior.  Her mother’s instinct tells her that there is something wrong.
Finally Zawadi climbs up into her bed. 
 She briefly feels bad for the prank she has set up, until her mind wanders back to the cute boy who lives down the hill.
 Sephora decides to work on her newest statue.  This project promises to bring the family a lot of money.
 Sculpturing allows Sephora to take her mind off her troubles.  She works diligently until her work of art is complete.
 Sephora finds herself exhausted, but wants to wait up for Miles and meet the new dog that he is bringing home.
 But, if he doesn’t make it home soon, Sephora just might not make it.
 She gathers up the little energy she has left and sets up the dog house, food and toys that were delivered earlier.
 Miles arrives home shortly after.  He’s feeling very anxious; not because of the new puppy, but because he has news that Sephora may not like.
 Miles picked up the family’s new pet after work.  The small dog walks around the house surveying her new surroundings.
 She sees something that she likes.
 The Ward’s new dog makes herself at home,
while Miles reluctantly makes his way into the house, right after turning on the alarm to his new car.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 44)

 Zawadi takes a few more steps before she realizes that she has absolutely no idea where she’s going.  Her initial plan was to leave the island by herself, but now that she’s met Mitchell, that plan no longer seems important.  She stops to think about her next move.
Meanwhile Miles is at the park finishing up his jam session for the day.  He receives a text message from Sephora, ‘Zawadi is having a bad day again.  We really need to do something!’  He detects urgency in Sephora’s message.
  He suddenly has an idea of what Zawadi may need.  He and Sephora have no plans of giving Zawadi a sibling, but maybe there is something else they can do to help her feel less lonely and help occupy some of her time.
Again, Zawadi begins walking, but her mind is on Mitchell.  She just can’t get that smile out of her mind.
She considers heading to town, or maybe even going to the park to find her father.
  All of that sounds ok, but right now she’d rather be at home thinking about the cute boy with the mesmerizing smile.
 Miles has a few hours to kill before work.  He’s starving, but doesn’t want to spend the time it’ll take to go all the way home.  He heads to the beach diner instead.
 Zawadi turns around before she makes it all the way to town.  Heading back home will force her to pass Mitchell’s house, maybe she can get another look at him.
 Unfortunately, Mitchell is not outside when she passes his house again.  She slowly walks up her walkway sulking.
Zawadi doesn’t want to run into her mother at home.  She heads to her only safe spot, her bed.
Zawadi lays back on her pillow thinking about her upcoming prom.  She considered not going, because she didn’t want to go alone.  Now that she’s met Mitchell, maybe he’d want to attend prom with her.
Miles follows through on his plan for Zawadi after texting Sephora back and forth about the idea while at the diner.  He visits the local pet store.
Miles walks in; checking the modest selection of small pets. 
He knows that Zawadi wouldn’t be interested in turtles, snakes and the like.  He needs something bigger.
Miles walks up to the counter to inquire about purchasing a dog.  The clerk informs him that there are no dogs on site, but if Miles gives him an idea of what he’s looking for, he could have one sent in from the mainland.
Miles complies, picking out a small dog that he’s sure Zawadi would love.  Miles also orders the necessary supplies to be delivered to the house just before the new Ward family pet arrives.  Satisfied, Miles leaves and heads to work.
At home, Zawadi emerges from her bedroom to watch TV.
As Sephora enters the room, Zawadi refuses to acknowledge her presence. 
Sephora remembers what it was like being a teen, but the knowledge does not help ease the pain that Zawadi is causing her.
Sephora is convinced that her daughter hates her. 
She can feel her anxiety increasing, but manages to hold it all in and continue preparing dinner.
Miles calls her up to let her know that the items for the new dog are scheduled to be delivered.  He instructs her to hide everything and wait to set it up after Zawadi is asleep.
Sephora agrees to her part in the plan.  She’s tempted to tell Miles how Zawadi is treating her, but decides against it.  Maybe this new dog can help improve their relationship.
Sephora lets Zawadi know that dinner is ready.  Without a word, Zawadi walks over and grabs her plate. 
Matching Zawadi’s silence, Sephora walks over and grabs her own plate.  The tension in the air is thick and heavy; weighing on their shoulders.
The feeling stresses Sephora, but gives Zawadi and her rebellious mood satisfaction.  Zawadi pushes it further by standing in the middle of the room with her plate of spaghetti, eating.
“Zawadi, come and sit down,” Sephora demands softly; her voice sounding on the verge of tears.

“I’m good,” Zawadi answers unsympathetic to the pain she’s causing her mother; telling herself that her mother deserves it.
“Zawadi, I don’t know what this is, but it has to stop!” Sephora says in a pleading voice.

Zawadi doesn’t give her the satisfaction of a response.
Feeling on the brink of an anxiety attack, Sephora decides to just back away from the situation.  “Fine, I refuse to fight with you.”

Feeling like she has won the battle of wills, Zawadi smirks.
The two finish up their meal in silence.  Zawadi satisfied, while Sephora feels as if she’s swallowing sorrow with every bite.
Zawadi washes her dish while Sephora continues eating.
Zawadi heads to the bathroom.  Sephora is relieved that Zawadi will be in bed soon and she’ll have some quiet time to think.
However, Zawadi is not quite done with her mother.
Unaware, Sephora finishes cleaning up the kitchen.