
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 46)

Sephora walks through the living room unaware that Miles has made it home.
“Hey babe!  I have something that I need to talk to you about,” Miles says right as Sephora heads to the bedroom.

“Hey babe,”
Sephora responds in a sleepy voice.  “I didn’t know you were there.”
 “I have some really good news!” Miles begins.

This wakes
Sephora up.  “What’s going on?” She asks excited to hear good news after her long day with Zawadi.
 “Well…I got a promotion.  I’m now a lead vocalist!” Miles announces.

“Wow!  Miles that’s incredible!”
 “I know!  I already have my first concert scheduled and I have a few record deal perspectives…uh, but…”

Something in Miles’ voice makes
Sephora a little uncomfortable.
 “I…uh…was offered an advance on my first record and I took it.”

Sephora allows this to set in for a minute, before responding, “So you took money…that you haven’t even earned yet…and may never earn?”
 “Well, I have total faith that I’ll earn it and much more.”

“Miles this is so typical and I never thought of you as typical.”
 “Typical!  What do you mean typical?”

“I mean getting offered a record deal and rushing to take an advance on money you haven’t earned… that’s typical!”
 Sephora!  I’m an up and coming artist.  I needed a car.  I can’t arrive at my first concert on a bike!” Miles says much angrier at Sephora’s reaction than he thought he would be.
 “You bought a car?” Sephora asks, shocked that Miles would spend money that he doesn’t even have yet.

Sephora!  I’m a grown man who made a grown man decision.”
 “Was it a grown man decision Miles?  Really?”

Miles is so angry that he’s speechless. He knew that
Sephora would be angry, but never guessed that she would outright mock his decision.
 Miles takes a step back and stares at the woman that he has loved for a long time now, barely recognizing her. Sephora wishes she could take back her last statement; suspecting that she has crossed the line this time.
She knows that Miles is beyond angry when he walks past her into the bedroom.
 Sephora feels alienated now that both her daughter and husband are upset.
 Oblivious to the fact that she is in her pajamas, Sephora walks out into the night air to check out the car that Miles has purchased.  She expected something big and flashy, instead Miles chose something small and eco friendly.
Her heart sinks with regret, because she realizes that Miles was thinking of her when he chose this particular car.
 Next, Sephora walks around the corner to check out the family dog.  At least Zawadi will be happy when she sees her new pet.
 Sephora reenters the house and locks herself in the bathroom.  “Well…now everyone in the house hates me,” she says to herself.
 Sephora knows that she has to make things right with her family.  They cannot continue to live like this.
I can’t sit in here all night feeling sorry for myself either, she thinks to herself.
 She stands up and turns on the faucet, unaware of the prank Zawadi has set up for her.
 Sephora can barely comprehend what is happening as water shoots out of the faucet all over her.
 “Oh god!  It’s happening!” She says, believing that her fear of the sink flooding the whole house is coming true.
 Once she’s able to think clearly again, she does everything she can think of to attempt to turn off the water.  “I’m wasting precious water,” is the main thought running through her mind.
 Sephora finally manages to turn off the water, but her pajamas are soaking wet.
 “I can’t take this anymore!” Sephora yells out in a voiceless scream.
 Sephora changes out of her wet pajamas and heads to bed feeling calmer now that she has let out all of the anxious energy.
Praying that things will be better in the morning, she crawls into bed next to her husband.
Miles rolls over in his sleep and places his arm tightly around her waist.  Now feeling secure, Sephora drifts off to sleep.

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