
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 47)

Morning approaches and Zawadi slowly begins to awaken.
Reluctantly she crawls out of bed.
The soft whine of a dog captures her attention as she leaves her room.
Following the sound, she walks out into the backyard.
She cannot believe her eyes as she sees the dog.
“Oh my goodness!  Where did you come from?” She says initially thinking it’s a stray dog.
She knows it’s not a stray dog when she spots the dog house, toys and dog food.  
Realizing that this dog belongs here, Zawadi immediately pulls out a toy and begins to bond.
During their play session, Zawadi comes up with the perfect name.  “I’ll call you Dazzle,” she says out loud.
Dazzle seems to respond well to the name, as Zawadi uses it while gently brushing her fur.
Dazzle darts back and forth in an attempt to initiate play with Zawadi.
Zawadi is instantly in love.
Overwhelmed with joy over her new companion, Zawadi suddenly feels bad about the trick she played on her mother last night.
Zawadi knows that her parents love her and work so hard to make sure she has everything she needs. 
 Providing is exactly what they do.  Miles’ advance is put to good use toward a remodel of the Ward home…
…including a new laundry room for Sephora.
Miles wakes up admiring the changes to the home.
Seeing that her father is up, Zawadi rushes into the house.
She wraps her arms around her father in gratitude.  “Thank you so much for the dog!  I love her,” she says into her father’s neck.
“I knew you would,” Miles says, pleased with Zawadi’s reaction.
“Guess what? I have another surprise for you,” Miles announces.
“What is it?” Zawadi asks very interested.
“I bought a car!  Do you still want to learn to drive?” 

Zawadi is excited, but nervous.  “I guess so,” she answers softly.
She steps outside to check out the new family vehicle; her heart racing at the idea of finally gaining independence by getting her driver’s license.
The thought of showing off for her friends, not to mention Mitchell makes it hard to hold in her excitement.
Yet, she’s still nervous about the idea of finally getting almost everything she’s ever wanted.
Miles sits down at the table with his breakfast.
Zawadi joins him with news that Miles wasn’t expecting to hear.

“Daddy, the prom is coming up at school.”

Miles almost chokes at the thought of prom dresses, dates and hot sweaty teens dancing too close together.
“Already?  Do you…um…have a date?” Miles asks, already regretting Zawadi’s answer.
“Not yet,” Zawadi says causally before stuffing her mouth with food.

“Not yet?  Does that mean you have someone in mind?” Miles asks carefully.
Zawadi smiles involuntarily; which sends a shiver up Miles’ protective father spine.  He knows that smile all too well.  It tells him that not only does Zawadi have someone in mind, but it’s someone that she likes a whole lot.  Miles sighs.
Miles cannot think of anything to say or do, so he excuses himself from the table and cleans his dish.

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