
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 48)

 Joshua is the first up early the next morning.  He cries out until Lexus comes to get him.
 Not pleased with the rude awakening, Ethan climbs out of bed.
 He watches his mother dote over Joshua.
 Immediately, Ethan feels jealous and angry.  Joshua wakes everyone up, but is rewarded with kisses.
 Ethan walks over to the crib wishing that his mother and father would move it out of the room so he can get more sleep in the mornings.
 Lexus takes Joshua downstairs to give him breakfast.
 He continues to reach for her as he’s placed in his highchair.  “You have to stay here so you can eat,” she tells him.
 As soon as Lexus walks away, Joshua becomes upset and cries.
 “There you are sweetie”, she says placing his bowl down in front of him.  She returns to the refrigerator to pull out leftovers for the rest of the family.
 Ethan walks to the kitchen hungry and ready to eat.
 Ethan grabs his plate; more than ready to scarf down the golden pancakes with plenty of butter and syrup. 
 Joshua is done with his baby food and proceeds to push the bowl off the highchair to indicate that he doesn’t want it. 

Lexus sighs looking at the mess on the floor.
 After breakfast, Ethan decides that having a little brother isn’t so bad.  Joshua crawls up to him and holds his hands out.  Ethan moves in for a hug.
 “Too bad you can’t play with me,” Ethan says quietly.
 Ethan would really like someone to play with, but knows that Joshua is too little.
 He changes his clothes and heads outside to play with his new sandbox.
 “I’ll build the biggest castle in the world!” Ethan announces, grabbing large handfuls of sand and attempting to stack it.
 He manages to build a mound, but the sand isn’t sticking together very well.
 Ethan gives up on the sand castle idea and just pushes the sand around instead.
 After sleeping in, Terrance finally enters the kitchen.
 “Ethan needs someone to play with,” Lexus begins, once Terrance is sitting down at the table.

“Well, he’ll start meeting friends when he starts school on Monday,” Terrance responds.
 “I know, but I was thinking it would be nice to have your mom and your little brother and sister over,” Lexus says.

Terrance almost chokes.
 “I’m going to call and invite them, OK?” Lexus says clearly not paying much attention to the bothered look on Terrance’s face.

The thought of having his mother over does not appeal to Terrance.  His mother
was not exactly the easiest person to get along with while he was growing up.
 Still, he knows that he is forced to respect her as his mother, no matter the mistakes she made when he was a child.  “OK,” he finally answers.
 Ethan rushes into the house just as Lexus stands up to call Amy Bull.  “Mom!  I don’t have anything to do!”  He complains.
 “I was just getting ready to call your aunt and uncle over to play with you,” Lexus says.
 “My aunt and uncle?” Ethan asks. But aren’t aunt and uncles old?”  He adds, confused.
 “You happen to have an aunt and uncle who are not much older than you are.”

“Are you sure?  On TV, aunts and uncles are always old.”
 “Trust me,” Lexus says.

Okaaay,” Ethan says still sounding unsure.
 Lexus dials Amy’s phone number.  “Hey Amy!  Hi, it’s Lexus.  I was wondering if you wanted to bring Zachary and Annie by to play with Ethan?”
 Amy agrees; saying that she’ll be over shortly.
 True to her word, Amy arrives within twenty minutes.
 “Hey mom.  Hey Zach!”  Terrance says greeting them at the door.
“Where’s Annie?” He asks shaking his mother’s hand; not exactly comfortable greeting her any other way.

“She’s running around here somewhere,” Amy answers.

“Come on in,” Terrance
says; for the first time truly meaning it, ready to give his mother a chance.

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