
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sims 3 The Price-Bull Family (part 50)

Lexus finishes up the evening by getting Joshua ready for bed and going to bed herself.
Terrance is downstairs cleaning up the kitchen, when the telephone rings.

“Terrance, this is Clark.  I was calling to let Lexus know that dad doesn’t have much longer.”
Lexus’ brother continues, “He’s not doing well and the doctors say that he can pass away at any moment.  I know she doesn’t want to see him, but I really think she should.”

“I do too,” Terrance agrees.  “I’ll see what I can do.”
Terrance and Clark end the call.  Terrance knows that Lexus tries to put on a strong front when it comes to dealings with her father, but he also knows that if something should happen to him, she’d be devastated.
Terrance finds himself getting emotional.  He knows that Lexus needs to go and see her father before he dies or she’ll regret it forever.

His thoughts are interrupted by Ethan.  “Daddy…what’s wrong?”

Terrance wipes away a few tears.  “Nothing son.  I’m OK.”
Satisfied with his father’s answer, he continues, “Can you read me a bedtime story?”

“Sure, meet me upstairs,” he tells him.
Ethan heads upstairs.  Terrance attempts to clear his head so that he can concentrate on this moment with his son.
Terrance heads to the library to pick out a good book to read.  He settles on a fantasy book that he used to love as a child.
As he pulls the book off the shelf, he remembers all the nights he spent alone growing up, wondering where his mother was and when she would get home.  He remembers being afraid a lot.  Suddenly, he understands why Lexus doesn’t want to see her father.  There’s nothing like having a parent, that’s not really a parent.
Ethan is upstairs in bed waiting for his father; content with the world.
“There once was an enchanted dragon that lived in an enchanted land…”  Terrance begins.
“Only this dragon was unlike other dragons.  You see… he could not breathe fire,” Terrance says in a mysterious enthusiastic voice.
“The other dragons made fun of him and called him names.  How could he defend any treasure, if he had no defense?  But this dragon insisted that he could…” Terrance says getting into the story.
“Well he-” Terrance says, but stops when he notices that Ethan is already asleep.  “The end.” He whispers.
Terrance puts the book down and leans in close to his son.  “I love you,” he whispers.
He gently kisses him on the head.
He then tucks him in; making sure that he stays warm all night.
“Daddy,” Ethan whispers, sitting up slightly.

That one word touches
Terrance deeply.  It’s a word that he didn’t get to say very often, because his father never lived with them.
Terrance doesn’t get a chance to respond, before Ethan lies back down, sound asleep.
Terrance enters the bedroom where Lexus is already asleep.  He looks down on her, reflecting on why they make such a great pair.  They both came from broken homes and insist on things being much better for their own children.
He crawls in next to her, but finds himself lying awake.  “How is he going to get her to visit her father, before it’s too late?”

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