
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 50)

 Miles returns from his quick trip to town.
 He looks for Sephora inside.  Sure that she’s avoiding him as much as he’d been avoiding her, he decides to look for her in the garden.
 Sure enough, Sephora is standing outside looking very upset.
 “Hey babe,” Miles says in an apologetic voice.

“Hey,” Sephora answers back.
 Miles puts one hand behind his back and holds the other out toward his wife.  “I…I wanted to apologize for the other night.”
 Sephora places her hand on her hip in a defensive stance.  “Miles, I-”  she begins.
 Miles interrupts her by pulling a dozen red roses from behind his back.  “Oh Miles!” Sephora says instead.
“I’ve been an ass,” Miles begins.  “I should have discussed the advance with you before I took it.”

“Well, I should have trusted your judgment,” Sephora returns.
 “Same here,” Miles says pulling out another gift for Sephora.
 “Oh Miles, how thoughtful!”

“I don’t like it when we’re not getting along,” he says, his voice full of regret.
 Sephora doesn’t respond.  Instead she moves in for a kiss.
 After all of their years together, they still get tingles every time their lips meet. 
 They pull away, but Miles is not yet done expressing how sorry he is.  “Sephora, I promise to make good on the advance.  Our finances will not suffer because of it.”

“I believe you Miles.”
 “Now go inside and enjoy your gift,” Miles commands.
 Sephora complies and turns to enter the house.
 Inside she spots Zawadi.  I’m determined to patch up our relationship also, she thinks to herself.
 Part of the home renovation included a new bathroom makeover, along with a new tub.  Sephora opens her gift discovering that Miles bought her bubble bath to enjoy in the tub.
 Sephora usually avoids baths, because of all the wasted water, but realizes that she could actually use a soak in the tub to relieve her stress.
 Miles settles down at his keyboard to begin working on a new tune…
…as Zawadi sits alone eating dinner; lost in her thoughts about Mitchell.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 49)

 Miles steps outside to practice his guitar and to avoid Sephora.
 Immediately, he feels bad; knowing that he should be making up with his wife, not hiding from her.
 Meanwhile, Sephora is inside enjoying the luxuries provided by Miles’ advance.  The new laundry room is just what she needed.
 She too, feels bad about the disagreement with Miles; especially her part in it.  Miles has always provided for the family and she knows that taking the advance was his way of making sure they had what they need.
 Out of the corner of his eye, Miles watches Sephora as she passes him to hang the newly washed clothing on her clothes line.  He can’t help but chuckle that she refuses to waste energy by using her brand new dryer.
 Aware of Miles outside practicing his guitar, Sephora is careful to avoid looking over at him.  Just knowing that they are not getting along right now threatens to bring fresh tears.
 Sephora hangs the clothes on the clothes line and glances over at the new car in the driveway, realizing that Miles was right, he did need a car.
 Dazzle, totally unaware of the tension within the household, greedily chews the fresh food recently placed in his bowl.
 Miles takes his mind off Sephora for a moment, wondering where Zawadi is and why she isn’t with Dazzle after saying that she was taking the dog for a walk.
 He thinks about the smile on her face this morning and is sure that she is off somewhere with the mysterious boy that seems to have captured her attention.  He grits his teeth in contempt.
 Just as Miles suspects, Zawadi is still hanging out at the Owens household.  She excuses herself briefly to use the bathroom.
 Zawadi is thrilled to have new friends to hang out with, but realizes that she likes Mitchell much more than she’s ever liked a boy before.
 This uncharted emotional territory makes her uncomfortable but at the same time, she likes it.
 In the bathroom she finally gets a chance to let out the joy that she’s been holding in since Mitchell agreed to attend the prom with her.  She stares into the mirror; face threatening to burst from smiling so hard.
 Sephora turns her attention to her neglected garden.
 Halfway through reviving her plants, her emotion gets the best of her and she breaks down in tears.
 She has to find a way to make things right with her family.
 Inside the house, Miles is feeling the same way.  He knows that he should not have gone to bed the other night upset at his wife.
 Sephora throws away a few barren plants from the garden.
 It always breaks her hearts to see her plants die, but this gives her an opportunity to plant something new.
 Miles steps outside, just as Sephora is walking back around the house to her garden.  Seeing his wife, he’s determined to do something to patch up their relationship.
 Miles hops into his car.
On his way to town, he passes Zawadi on her bike.  He waves, but she is in her own world; not realizing that he is passing by. Again, she has a grin on her face that would be unsettling to any father.
She arrives home feeling great about her date to the prom.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 48)

 Zawadi uses taking Dazzle for a walk as an excuse to leave the house and put her plan in motion.
 She in fact does have someone in mind as her prom date and today is the day that she will ask him to attend with her.
 Before Zawadi gets a chance to knock on the door, a boy that looks a lot like Mitchell steps out. 

“You must be Mitchell’s brother.  Is he home?”
Zawadi asks.
 “Yeah, I’m Michael,” the boys says offering his hand for Zawadi to shake.  “Mitch is in there playing video games as always,” he says in a frustrated voice.
 Zawadi isn’t sure how to respond, so she proceeds to walk up and ring the doorbell.
 Zawadi’s stomach does a flip as Mitchell walks out.
 “Hi,” she says, suddenly feeling shy. 

“Hi,” Mitchell says echoing
Zawadi’s tone.
 There’s an uncomfortable silence as they each search their minds for what else they should say.  Zawadi fills it by offering her hand in an awkward manner.  “Uh…nice to see you again,” she says, not sure how to get through this odd moment.
 Finally, Mitchell invites her in.
“So, do you know what school you’re attending yet?” Zawadi asks referring to their last conversation.
 “No.  My mom finally decided to make the final decision for us.  We’ll find out tomorrow.” Mitchell says, clearly uncomfortable at having his fate decided by his mother.
 “Well, I’ll show you around tomorrow if you end up at my school,” Zawadi offers.  “I could also introduce you to people and stuff.”
 “Yeah, Ok.”  Mitchell says

Another moment of silence fills the room as Zawadi tries to gather up enough courage to ask Mitchell to be her date for the prom.
 Not sure how to bring it up, Zawadi resorts to a safer conversation topic.  “So what are you up to today?”

“Oh, just playing video games.”
 “Cool.”  Zawadi says, dissapointed that Mitchell didn’t have much else to say about it.  Finally she decides that she might as well ask Mitchell about the prom.  “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” Mitchell answers.
 “It’s no big deal or anything, so feel free to say no, but…uh, my school has this stupid dance coming up and…well…”Zawadi pauses.
 Finally she decides to just blurt it out, “Will you come to the prom with me?”  She says in a rush of words.
 Mitchell appears shocked and doesn’t say anything immediately.

“Like I said, it’s no big deal,” Zawadi says to soften the blow in case he says no.
 Zawadi continues jabbering away to avoid rejection, “It won’t be like a date or anything.  It’ll be like-”
 “Sure…sounds cool,”  Mitchell finally says, interrupting Zawadi’s rambling.
 “Really?” Zawadi says revealing more surprise than she intended.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?  Sounds like fun.”
 Again, an involuntary smile creeps up on Zawadi’s face.  He said yes, she thinks to herself.
 If Mitchell wasn’t standing there, Zawadi would be jumping up and down, but the situation forces her to contain her excitement.  “Cool,” she says trying to sound like it’s no big deal, which is hard, because her heart is pounding out of her chest.
 “What should I wear?” Mitchell asks, stepping forward slightly.

His proximity makes it hard for Zawadi to think for a few moments.  “I’m wearing blue,” she finally answers.  “Anything that goes with blue would be good.”
 “Should I pick you up at your house?”

Zawadi doesn’t immediately answer.  His slight breath on her cheek makes her dizzy.
 She closes her eyes briefly in order to steady herself.  When she opens them, she answers. “Uh…yeah.  Tuesday at 6,” she says.
 “Ok,” he says, staring at her in a way that makes her look away.

Zawadi changes the subject.  “So…show me what video game you were playing.”
 Mitchell suddenly becomes animated.  “Oh, you have to check this one out,” he says as he leads her to two gaming chairs situated in front of a flat screen TV.
 Mitchell shows Zawadi how to play.  She proceeds to beat him the first time around.
“Beginner’s luck!”  Mitchell calls out. 

Zawadi’s competitive streak kicks in.  “Only losers say that,” she says and they both laugh.