
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sims 3 The Wards (part 50)

 Miles returns from his quick trip to town.
 He looks for Sephora inside.  Sure that she’s avoiding him as much as he’d been avoiding her, he decides to look for her in the garden.
 Sure enough, Sephora is standing outside looking very upset.
 “Hey babe,” Miles says in an apologetic voice.

“Hey,” Sephora answers back.
 Miles puts one hand behind his back and holds the other out toward his wife.  “I…I wanted to apologize for the other night.”
 Sephora places her hand on her hip in a defensive stance.  “Miles, I-”  she begins.
 Miles interrupts her by pulling a dozen red roses from behind his back.  “Oh Miles!” Sephora says instead.
“I’ve been an ass,” Miles begins.  “I should have discussed the advance with you before I took it.”

“Well, I should have trusted your judgment,” Sephora returns.
 “Same here,” Miles says pulling out another gift for Sephora.
 “Oh Miles, how thoughtful!”

“I don’t like it when we’re not getting along,” he says, his voice full of regret.
 Sephora doesn’t respond.  Instead she moves in for a kiss.
 After all of their years together, they still get tingles every time their lips meet. 
 They pull away, but Miles is not yet done expressing how sorry he is.  “Sephora, I promise to make good on the advance.  Our finances will not suffer because of it.”

“I believe you Miles.”
 “Now go inside and enjoy your gift,” Miles commands.
 Sephora complies and turns to enter the house.
 Inside she spots Zawadi.  I’m determined to patch up our relationship also, she thinks to herself.
 Part of the home renovation included a new bathroom makeover, along with a new tub.  Sephora opens her gift discovering that Miles bought her bubble bath to enjoy in the tub.
 Sephora usually avoids baths, because of all the wasted water, but realizes that she could actually use a soak in the tub to relieve her stress.
 Miles settles down at his keyboard to begin working on a new tune…
…as Zawadi sits alone eating dinner; lost in her thoughts about Mitchell.

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