
The Pratt Family / Sunset Valley

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Generations 1, 2 & 3

Click Here to Read - The Murphy Family (prelude to the Pratt family)
The Murphy family is the first family that I created in the Sims 3. The Murphys live in Sunset Valley. I created Malcolm and Savannah as a married couple in CAS (Create A Sim) and they later had five children. Please note: This is not exactly a story, but more of a progression of the family as they grew (like a family photo album). 
Generation 3 (con't) 

Candy is the daughter of Yasmin & Jess Murphy.  She was born in-game to a family that I was not actively playing, so I had no control of her name or traits. I decided to start playing with her after she grew into a young adult. Soon after I started playing her, she marries her high school sweet heart Sam Pratt.  The marriage has a great beginning, but Candy's workaholism and Sam's couch potato trait leads to problems.
Candy Pratt has never been very lucky in love.  Her marriage failed and her new romantic pursuits have not lead anywhere.  Candy finds a new way to share the love in her heart, but will she get the results that she is looking for?

Click Here to Read - Part 3  
Candy throws Gwendolyn an official "welcome to the family" party, but Spencer decides he'd rather not attend. This leads to a showdown and Spencer gets a chance to unload a lot of pent up ill feelings. Will the Pratt family be able to recover from the pain and hurt that they've caused each other?

Click Here to Read - Part 4 
Spencer has a heart to heart with Mimi and finds out things about his mother that he never knew. He realizes just how far her love for him reaches. He desperately wants to make up with his mother, but is not sure where to begin. Spencer hopes that their relationship can be restored.

Gwendolyn finds someone that she feels comfortable hanging out with, while Spencer spends the day with his father and his half-brothers.  Mimi pursues potential love and Candy prepares for the next stage of her life.

Click Here to Read - Part 6
The Pratt family celebrates Mimi's birthday.  Now that Mimi is an elder, she has plans that doesn't involve living with the Pratts.

Click Here to Read - Part 7
Mimi is excited about her plans to buy her own home and start a new career, but has reservations about leaving the Pratt family household.  Candy has been a good friend and Mimi doesn't want her to feel abandoned.

Click Here to Read - Part 8
Candy begins her search for a new live-in cook and housekeeper.  Afterward, the family goes out to celebrate Gwendolyn's birthday.  Gwendolyn ages to a teen, but doesn't feel as if things will change for her.

Click Here to Read - Part 9
Candy invites Sarah (the potential new live-in cook and housekeeper) over to see the house and meet the family.  Candy is fed up with her dirty surroundings and hopes that Sarah agrees to move in and work for the Pratt family.

Click Here to Read - Part 10
The Pratt family has a new live-in housekeeper and cook.  Now that her house is being taken care of, Candy can focus on her career.

Click Here to Read - Part 11
Candy Pratt wakes up from a nightmare feeling tired and older than she's ever felt.  She's accomplished almost everything she's set out to do in her career.  Is it finally time to retire?  Is that the message her nightmare brings?

Click Here to Read - Part 12
Candy visits the Sunset Art Institute in an attempt to cheer herself up and scope out the new renovations as a possible location for a retirement party.  While Spencer reluctantly invites over a classmate that Spencer feels is less than sincere about his motives for wanting to visit the Pratt home.

Click Here to Read - Part 13
While ordering a drink at the Art Institute, Candy makes a shocking discovery and Gwendolyn  finally knows what it's like to  "belong".

Click Here to Read - Part 14
Spencer is not happy that Gwendolyn and Lydell seem to really like each other. Later, everyone in the Pratt home becomes so consumed with their own pursuits, that they don't immediately notice the changes in Gwendolyn's appearance and attitude.

Click Here to Read - Part 15
Candy sees Gwendolyn's new look as a cry for help.  Candy sits Gwendolyn down to discuss it, but the situation quickly takes a turn for the worst.

Click Here to Read - Part 16
Spencer begins to plan out his upcoming proposal and marriage to Rena, while Candy's shrewd business savvy pays off when the CEO of her company attempts to get her voted out as head of the company.

Click Here to Read - Part 17
The Pratt family enjoy their new hot tub and Sarah finds out what it's like to be appreciated and respected.

Click Here to Read - Part 18
The Pratt family all attend Candy's retirement party at the Art Institute, along with numerous family and friends.  Candy looks forward to having an opportunity to get to the bottom of the mystery regarding her uncle Braydon, but is disappointed when the plan falls through.

Click Here to Read - Part 19
Spencer meets Rena at a club to celebrate his birthday. He ages up and heads home to a big birthday surprise from his mother Candy.

Click Here to Read - Part 20
Rena is very surprised when Candy treats her to an unexpected total makeover, and Spencer proposes but how will she respond when Spencer delivers the biggest surprise of all?

Click Here to Read - Part 21
As Rena and Spencer exchange their vows, Candy finds herself reflecting on her own failed vows and attempts at finding a romantic love of her own.

Click Here to Read - Part 22
Spencer and Rena enter the reception hall, where Rena gains a full appreciation for all of the trouble that Spencer and Candy had to go through in order to plan such a magical event.

Click Here to Read - Part 23
Spencer's long weekend of celebrating catches up with him.  He is too tired to make it through his first day of work.  Meanwhile, Candy gets a small taste for life on the daring side.

Click Here to Read - Part 24
Candy is looking for fun, but discovers that the only way to find it is to create it for herself.  The next day she continues to seek out the truth of her uncle Braydon's reappearance and Rena suddenly feels very sick.

Click Here to Read - Part 25
Spencer finds his cousin Lindsay's bold, sassy attitude intriguing.  While Gwen begins her first day of work at the cemetery.

Click Here to Read - Part 26
Rena's pregnancy is confirmed.  Now she gets the pleasure of letting Spencer and Candy in on her great news!

Click Here to Read - Part 27
Spencer visits his half brothers to announce Rena's pregnancy.  At home, Candy tries to engage Gwen in conversation, but falls victim to grumpy teen syndrome.

Click Here to Read - Part 28
Candy gets a disturbing call regarding her cousin Kianah and decides to pay her a visit, while Gwen fights hard to control an urge that keeps creeping up on her.

Click Here to Read - Part 29
Candy receives the news that she's been dreading.  While Candy is dealing with the loss of one family member, Rena and Spencer rush to the hospital to deliver a new one.

Click Here to Read - Part 30
After a lifetime of taking things for granted, Candy finally learns that it's the little things that make life worth living.  She questions her mortality while at the same time enjoying her new grandchild.  Meanwhile, Gwen's klepto urges evolve into hacking.
Click Here to Read - Part 31
Spencer takes Chelsea to meet his father, Sam Pratt.  Shortly afterward, the Pratt experiences the loss of their matriarch, who welcomes death like an old friend.

Generation 4 
The Pratt family struggles to keep it together after Candy's spirit is taken away by the Grim Reaper.  As Spencer and Gwen visit the cemetery to carry out Candy's final arrangements, Gwen gives Spencer more to deal with besides his grief.

Click Here to Read - Part 33
Life goes on in the Pratt family household.  Everyone continues to have a difficult time dealing with Candy's  death, particularly Spencer who is faced with the task of planning her funeral.  Gwen is determined to make things even tougher on him by making a very drastic change to her appearance.

Click Here to Read - Part 34
Candy's funeral begins.  Spencer benefits from being around family and friends, while Gwen begins to regret her decision to chop off all of her hair.

Click Here to Read - Part 35
Spencer lets Gwen know that he is not pleased with her decision to chop off her hair. Later he seeks business advice from his father.

Click Here to Read - Part 36
As the funeral begins to wind down, Sam Pratt, Spencer's father, spends time reflecting on some of his past regrets - including the fact that he was not around during his own mother's last days. Spencer gets the closure that he needs and feels that he can move past the pain.

Click Here to Read - Part 37
The funeral is over and everyone begins to settle into their routine.  Rena discovers something that was previously hidden by her grief.  Now her tears of mourning are replaced with tears of joy.

Click Here to Read - Part 38
Gwen makes an effort to smooth things over between herself and Spencer.  Rena is excited to give Spencer her good news and Spencer receives the raise that he was promised.

Click Here to Read - Part 39
Spencer does his best to smooth things over with Gwen.  Later he receives good news from his wife Rena.

Click Here to Read - Part 40
Chelsea ages up to an inquisitive toddler and Rena suddenly finds herself very busy with toddler training duties.

Click Here to Read - Part 41
While the Pratt family prepares for a new family member, Gwen is busy planning for her transition to adulthood.

Click Here to Read - Part 42
One Pratt family member prepares her exit from the Pratt household, while a new family member arrives.

Click Here to Read - Part 43
Back from the hospital, Rena and Spencer has forgotten all about Gwen's birthday.  Sarah finishes preparing Gwen's birthday dinner, only to discover that Gwen has moved out.

Click Here to Read - Part 44 
With the house short one family member, the Pratt family is forced to keep going; but Spencer is determined to find Gwen.

Click Here To Read - Part 45 
Spencer's efforts to locate Gwen are in vain.  Later, he officially extends an offer to Sarah to retain her employment with the Pratt family.

Click Here To Read - Part 46
Spencer continues moving up the corporate ladder at work, while Rena regrets that her maternity leave is coming to an end.

Click Here To Read - Part 47
Spencer attends his cousin Giuseppe's pool party, where he just misses the very person that he has been looking for.

Click Here To Read - Part 48 
 It's a bittersweet morning for Rena as she begins a new career; leaving the babies alone with Sarah for the first time.

Click Here To Read - Part 49 
 Spencer receives good news from a co-worker and Sarah gets a night off from housekeeping.

Click Here To Read - Part 50
It's the day of Chelsea's birthday and Spencer finally gets a chance to ask Gwen why she moved out suddenly.